12-Day Fast of “Intertwining”
“Positioning-fast” – Day 12
Let us worship the Lord today for His awesome ways in which He works, wooing us into deeper places in the Spirit, thanking Him for the secret place of His Presence where we now purpose to “dwell”, abide and have constant communion with Him.
Now in this place of union with Him, INCLINE our ears to hear HIs living Word in the glory of His Presence, living, moving and having our being “IN HIM” – then to DECLARE it into the earth.
This is Kingdom Living – to live in His Presence, our minds set on things above and from His counsel room implement the Wisdom we receive in the earth in Kingdom power and authority, taking the Kingdom by storm.
NOW be diligent to maintain our stand in our identity IN CHRIST and be hungry and thirsty to seek for deeper places in the Spirit and higher dimensions in the glory.
Prayer: Father, today we just bless Your Name and pray Let Your Name be glorified in all our coming and going, Let Your Kingdom come where we go, Your will be done as it is in heaven, so on the earth! In Jesus’ Name! AMEN!
You can do this fast at any time – (see www.elsabebriers.com)
“Positioning-fast” Day 11
11 stand for “transition”, so it implies a “shifting over”. We have the choice of the free will in every action and when we are truly devoted to the Lord, we will choose His way – ALWAYS!
So let’s put off the old man once for all now and be clothed with Christ in our TRUE IDENTITY of His character and attributes, with the empowering of the 7-fold Spirit. The clothing of the Bride of Christ is Love and Light. Let’s walk in it.
The indwelling Holy Spirit supplies us also with the strength to walk in the Spirit with a single eye – fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ – our natural senses of “hearing” and “seeing” being extended into the “unseen” and “unheard” to simply walk out His instructions.
So, it is simply a shift from self-consciousness into Christ-consciousness!
Declare your Identity in Christ as overcomer, more than a conqueror, always triumphing, carrying His fragrance and glory into every situation with the one purpose, namely to establish His Kingdom for His glory – everywhere!
Declare His Word over your life, envision it and call forth His
purposes and prophetic Words, visions and dreams by faith.
Break through now into expectation to see His promises for your life and those of your loved ones come to pass to fulfill your calling and destiny in Christ in Kingdom Order – as it is in heaven, so on the earth.
Prayer: Lord, we thank you for Your provision of the Holy Spirit to empower us to always triumph IN CHRIST, giving You the glory! Father, help us to maintain the consciousness of our true identity IN CHRIST – in Jesus’ Name. Amen
“Positioning-fast” Day 10:
Ten speaks of completion.
God is desiring that we will prepare Him a habitation – a place to dwell – where He can sup with us and we with Him – in union-communion.
Ten times the tabernacle is spoken as the “Tabernacle of Witness,” or “Tabernacle of Testimony”, meaning “a place to dwell”. Now we are the temple of the Holy Ghost – not made with hands…….!
Colossians 2:9-10
“For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power”.
In John 17 the Lord Jesus prays for our union with the Godhead.
Let us simply melt into Him in nothingness and be totally absorbed in the Spirit.
Then ABIDE – IN Him, IN His WORD, IN Love and we will become fruit and our joy shall be full!
Father, we surrender completely to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in us and we pray in Jesus’ Name that You give us the grace to DWELL in Your secret place under the shadow of the Almighty – enjoying Your Presence in fullness of joy. Amen
“Positioning-fast” Day 9:
Number 9 – Gifts of the Spirit, Finality of Divine Things
We are at a point in this fast where we will now be tested in our sanctification – whether we walk in the flesh or after the Spirit.
Let us study both the fruit of the flesh and the Spirit in Gal. 5:13-19 and bring our flesh under control of the Holy Spirit, testing all our actions and responses in the light of the truth of this Word.
We, “who are of Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.” (v.24). This is the secret of living in the victory of the Spirit, namely to constantly reckon ourselves dead…… (Rom.6:11).
So let’s rise up in the glory of the Lord and shine His light brightly! Hallelujah!
Prayer: Father, we thank You for the power of the Holy Spirit inside of us, giving us the victory on every occasion as we surrender to you in obedience. Help us to grow in our new identity in Christ unto the measure of the full stature of Christ – in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
“Positioning-fast” Day 8:
The Number 8 stands for “NEW BEGINNINGS”!
On this day of our fast, let us purpose to leave all the old behind and stretch ourselves out to pursue the HIGH CALLING in CHRIST JESUS!
“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”- Phil 3:14 King James Version
“Upward call” – American Standard Bible
This also calls for a renewing of our minds, to set our mind on things above and not on the things of the earth. We have a heavenly prize awaiting us and our earthly works will be judged as to whether they were well-pleasing to our Father, done out of obedience to Him, out of love for the Lord and for His glory alone!
New Beginnings also speak of setting things in order. For us, as disciples of Jesus Christ, it speaks of the order of His Kingdom, under His rule and reign. Everything else must go.
So let us position ourselves under the light of the Holy Spirit to clean out our old wardrobe, getting clothed in the identity of Christ in light and love.
Prayer: Father, we praise You for the provision You have made for us in Christ Jesus to be delivered of our old man, old habits, old mind-sets, old issues and old ways that we can look away from it, setting our focus on Jesus and that we can step into New Beginnings to pursue our high calling in Christ under control of the Holy Spirit in the Kingdom Order of righteousness, peace and joy! We ask that you empower us with the strength of the Holy Spirit to stay faithful, in Jesus’ Name!
“Positioning-fast” Day 7:
Seven is the number of Perfection and of the 7-fold Spirit, as symbolized in the 7-piped lampstand, the 7 eyes of the Lord, the 7 lamps of fire burning before the Throne of God and more. In Is.11 the seven Spirits of the Lord are described.
Let us ask the Lord to give us the grace to keep walking in the Spirit (Ga.5:16), following the leading of the Holy Spirit (Gal.5:18), under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Rom.8:2), exercising the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-24).
Rom 8: 1-2: “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”
Prayer: Father of glory, we ask in the Name of Jesus that you would give us the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Christ, our eyes being enlightened that we may KNOW HIM, know the hope of our calling, know what is our inheritance in Christ and know the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit inside of us. We acknowledge the full control of the Holy Spirit over our lives, so that You will always be glorified in us and through us. Amen.
Six is the number of man. Therefore, let this day be a marker to choose DELIBERATELY to SHIFT out of the flesh into the SPIRIT-LIFE for ever to live in Kingdom Alignment!
“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.”
We choose to set out minds on things above (Col. 3:2), the heavenly glories and beauty of the Lord, looking away from the flesh, sin and the world. Now we are focused to live a life of WORSHIP to HIM!
We have full provision in the Person of the Holy Spirit as our Helper so that we can OVERCOME every temptation to fall back into the flesh.
So let us simply YIELD to every nudge or whisper of the Holy Spirit, SURRENDER our will in every situation to the control of the Holy Spirit and ABANDON every doubt, fear, stress and difficult situation to HIM, putting our trust in Him to take care of us.
Prayer: Father, we pray in Jesus’ Name that You will give us the grace of the Holy Spirit to not give in to the pull of the flesh, but to reckon ourselves dead to self and live unto God through Christ Jesus. We have the victory in Your Son and we praise You for it, Lord that we can overcome our accuser by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony and the fact that we do not love our lives even unto the death. Thank you Father! Amen!
“Positioning-fast” Day 5:
The more time we spend in worship, the Word and prayer, the stronger the Presence of the Lord shall become. We become more sensitive to the “nudges” of the Holy Spirit and more sensitive to His desires. The more we lean into the Spirit, worshipping, praying in tongues, meditating on the Word, following His lead to maybe kneel, bow, laying prostrate on the floor or what ever He shows us, the more He will draw close to us (James 4:8). The more hungry we become for His Presence, the more we start engaging with Him in worship, until we come beyond the veil to receive a vision or receive a revelation or receive a Word from the Lord. Simply enjoy Him and linger there for as long as you can……getting filled to overflowing with the Spirit.
Remember to write down what He is revealing to you and work it through in prayer. Keep asking, seeking, knocking…UNTIL His Presence comes again and again. Then guard it! Keep practicing His Presence by simply loving Him, worshiping Him and keeping your mind and attention fixed on Him.
PRAYER: Father, thank you for the privilege that we have to worship and to seek Your Presence and we ask for your favor that you will manifest Yourself in Christ Jesus to us as you Have promised in the Word – in the Name of Jesus!
“Positioning-fast” Day 4:
At this point in the fast there might be some interferences, distractions and things that want to discourage you. Well, that just shows who is trying to come on the scene to steal….!
So our reaction is simply to dig in deeper, be more determined and focus more intently to not be distracted or dissuaded or give up on our intention and goal for breakthrough into new levels.
I want to encourage everyone of you to spend more time than ever in WORSHIP, PRAYING IN TONGUES & the WORD,
“waiting” on God and His eyes are on those to work actively (behind the scenes) on their behalf to be gracious over them
STAND FAST IN KNOWING WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST – today focusing on being more than an OVERCOMER, knowing IN CHRIST we can do all things, because He strengthens us.
Expect more, hope for more, activate your faith for more – MORE OF HIS PRESENCE and MORE OF HIS POWER manifested! Hallelujah!
Study out Is. 64: 4-6. There are 3 conditions while we are “waiting”:
3) REMEMBER HIM IN HIS WAYS – His goodness & grace over your life – and make a list to be THANKFUL for! Then REJOICE SOME MORE!
Also read the Article “Waiting on God”.
PRAYER: Father, we come to You through Christ Jesus and we praise You that You are so glorious and so faithful, that You are working behind the scenes, working on our behalf, while we wait on You in absolute trust.
“Positioning-fast” Day 3:
Let’s get a renewing in our minds according to who the Word says we are IN CHRIST: We are a new creation – the old things have passed away and all things have become new IN CHRIST. This spells “abundant life” in His Presence in fullness of Joy! If this is not where we are living, we need to do a “Mind-check” and take out the lies of the enemy, rising up IN HIS GLORY LIGHT and SHINE while enjoying our INHERITANCE in CHRIST. “He has blessed us with all the spiritual blessings in the heavenly place in Christ Jesus” (Eph. 1:3) Hallelujah! Study out all the other Scriptures that pertain to “IN CHRIST” and then abide IN HIM (John 15). What a dwelling place!
Prayer: Father, we simply ask in the Name of Jesus that you will transform us into the image of Your Son – for Your glory, Lord!
“Positioning-fast” Day 2:
We are positioning ourselves in this fast to bring everything in our lives into order under the reign of the King, so that we can proceed into the new season. (see Prphetic Word “Kingdom Shift”)
The more we get soaked in prayer (tongues), the Word and worship, the more the world and the issues of it fade away and the more steadfast our gaze becomes – fixed on the beauty and splendor of the Lord.
But this place needs to be maintained by living in worship in the Spirit and by refusing to get pulled into the flesh by distractions, by temptations or by other people’s issues.
It’s all about the heart. A heart “set” upon the Lord has its treasure in another dimension. So let’s test our heart’s focus and see whether it is truly “set” on our First Love.
When the heart is turned to the Lord, the veil is taken away and we see with new eyes.
Prayer: Father, we ask that you show us anything in our lives that has the “pulling power” to draw our attention away from You and then give us the grace to deal with it – in Jesus’ Name. We choose to bring everything in our lives in Kingdom Order and alignment. Amen, so be it!
“Positioning-fast” Day 1:
“Ask, and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you!” (Matt.7:7)
This verse implies a hunger in progressive degrees – from asking, to seeking to knocking UNTIL! It also implies a heart that is set or fixed upon God in single-minded pursuit.
Let us set ourselves apart from our usual activities, put a guard over our sense gates and pursue the Presence of the Lord with all our hearts. Pray in tongues as much as possible, get soaked in the Word and in worship – coming into deeper places in the River of glory than ever before! Hallelujah!
Be prepared for the light of the Holy Spirit that will expose things which are not pleasing to the Lord and simply deal with it through repentance – allowing Him to prune you for more and better fruit. ENJOY!