Glory Light, Flashes of Revelation
We have entered into a time where the Spirit will be poured out in great grace through the revelation-light of Who Christ is to us
and in us on those who are seeking His face. This will cause the Bride of Christ to rise up as being awakened from a deep sleep, and from numbness, despondency and defeat to be shining forth His light and glory to the nations and bring forth the joy
exceedingly and full of glory! Great miracles will flow and multitudes will come into the Kingdom as a result, for the Bride will
know her true identity IN CHRIST, diffusing the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
This is a work of grace by the Spirit of Grace – through REVELATION – REVELATION of the Christ on the inside of men and
women, young and old – a true awakening – like the wind blowing over the embers, stirring up a fresh fire where love has grown
cold and hearts have grown weary through oppression of the lies of the enemy.
REVELATION COMES AS WE GAZE ON HIS FACE, communing with Him spirit-to-Spirit in worshipful adoration, while imploring
Him to open up the Scriptures to us. Then He breaks the bread of revelation and serves the wine at His banqueting table and
we will suddenly KNOW HIM.
Without revelation, there is no reception. Revelation comes first, followed by reception in my heart and spirit. Truth I have
known in my mind for years SUDDENLY becomes revelation in my spirit by the Spirit of Revelation that enlightens my spiritual
eyes to “see” HIM! These glory-light flashes literally ENLIGHTEN my heart’s eyes and now as His light floods my spirit with the
revelation of WHO He is, and WHAT He has done for us on Calvary, the Word comes alive in me, producing an exceeding joy in
His Presence and rejoicing worship bubbles forth, flowing from the Spirit of grace, because truth is now deposited in my inward
parts. Just like the men on their way to Emmaus, the REVELATION of the CHRIST empowers us to run without weariness to
spread the Good News.
This revelation light causes darkness to flee and the enemy to be scattered, because “knowing” the truth sets us free and
empowers us by knowing who we are IN CHRIST, enjoying our inheritance, soaring on eagle’s wings in the power of the Holy
Ghost, living the abundant life for HIs glory.
This glory light will also suddenly fall on groups (cells) where God’s children are corporately seeking His face in prayer and
worship (like on the day of Pentecost).
The blinders will come off and people will suddenly experience Christ as “real” and true on the inside, KNOWING Him in His
great Love and Grace, and coming into His fullness as they are being knitted together in HIs Love. Jesus, the Living Word, will
become REALITY in our understanding through the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation as He reveals His hidden mysteries in
secrets place.
And yes, visions and dreams and prophecy shall abound by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the redeemed of the Lord
shall “take” the land with rejoicing and God’s glory shall fill the whole earth.
The prayers of the righteous that have been filling the bowls over the years, will bring a harvest in this season and many
parents who have been praying much for their children will experience sudden surprises, seeing the fruit of the labor on their
The Holy Spirit will awaken songs of praise in people’s hearts and they will suddenly find themselves humming, singing and
even whistling songs of praise to their Maker as they REJOICE IN HIM in new understanding of His greatness and glory.
Having positioned ourselves as a house of worship, drawing on His grace by faith, beholding His glory, He will make His face to
shine over us, lifting up His countenance over us and in this Light we will see the light and grace will abound, resulting in peace
and joy.
Progressive revelation will flow as a river of Truth as we keep listening to His voice walking in the garden and we will grow in
grace and in the experiential knowledge of Christ in intimate union.
A fresh love and a hunger and thirst for the Word will abound – the more we discover of Him, the more we will meditate on His
Word and the more revelation will flow.
And yes, visions and dreams and prophecy shall abound by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the redeemed of the Lord
shall “take” the land with rejoicing and God’s glory shall fill the whole earth.
May grace flow and His glory-light shine over you.