Divine Recovery, Restoration and Open Doors
In a recent cell group gathering the following Word was released:
I sense very strongly in my spirit that the Lord is saying we are in a season of divine recovery and restoration of all that was lost and stolen by the enemy. We need to not be complacent and just accept the status quo of having been robbed by the enemy in any area – spirit, soul (relationships), body (health), finances or opportunities. Like David, we need to come into worship and be empowered and strengthened by the Holy Ghost to pursue the enemy, overtake him and recover all, plus the spoil.
We need to set our faces like those of lions and be surefooted like gazelles in the mountains like the mighty warriors of David (1 Chron.12:8). Take stock of where the enemy has stolen from you and be determined to pursue him to recover all so that God can get the glory! Many have scars of old wounds that are still sensitive when bumped, because they have not been healed on the inside. As you worship, God will give you the strategy for your pursuit of the enemy to overtake him and to enjoy full recovery and restoration of what was stolen or lost.
It is a time to enter through the open door into our promises. Jesus is the door! Jesus is the door and as we enter into Him, and the revelation of who He is, we will walk through into a new dimension, new provision and the victory of abundant living. He came to give life and life abundantly. Step through THE DOOR into your destiny in Christ and do not look back, leaving the old behind. The key is forgiveness and the blood of Jesus.
While meditating on this Word, the Lord showed me that many are looking for doors of opportunity in the natural, while they miss The Door, Jesus Christ. Our breakthrough into new dimensions is always IN CHRIST! Without Him we can do nothing. He is the One who always leads us in triumph! It is as we worship, that He goes before us in battle, breaking through our obstacles on our behalf. If we look at the Israelites, we see that the ark (of His Presence) led the way and opened the Jordan for them so that they could step through into their promised land – a land overflowing with milk and honey.
Christ is the open door of revelation where we can enter in to the splendor of heavenly glory, which will manifest in open doors of breakthrough in the natural, bringing blessing, new opportunities and victory in every area of our lives.
It is when we stay at His feet in worship, having entered in to Him to abide in His life, in His living Word, in His love that we will experience that the measuring lines have fallen into lovely places for us in the spirit and in the natural. His Presence is the abode of His sons and daughters. He Himself is not only the entrance, but the fullness of a new dimension, being our Redeemer and Restorer! The spiritual dimension comes first, then the natural. Hallelujah!
He will restore your broken heart, your broken dreams, heal your hurts and deliver you from the trauma of loss and destruction. We cannot take hold of the new if we do not let go of the past. Jesus will restore your life, making it brand new by the power of His blood, so that you can be empowered by the Holy Ghost to be all that He has destined you to be in His Kingdom. Glory to God! Come to His feet today! Don’t delay! Let go of your own wisdom and reasoning, handing over everything you have struggled with to Him! The way is through the old rugged cross where He purchased overflowing life for you with the third day anointing!!! Enter in to His full provision.