“But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] (KAVA), shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.“
KAVA: Hebrew word for wait: to wait, look for, hope, expect, to bind together (intertwine like a rope), tarry.
In a recent group encounter in the Spirit, while intertwining with the Lord (Kava), we were taken high on the wings of an eagle – gliding on the wind streams of the Spirit. We all experienced expansion into a previously unknown freedom and liberty in union-communion with our Beloved, together with a deep strengthening and empowering in our spirit man – just like the Scripture describes!
It felt like we entered an expanse of unlimited love, light, grace, peace – in the Kabod glory. This has been a continuing experience of limitless possibilities in the Spirit – in utmost liberty and freedom, as I have not experienced before. There are no ought-to, should or have-to stemming from the control of drivenness, performance, man-pleasing or the religious mindset – which loudly spell fear, but a creative freedom and liberty and joy in the Spirit.
So, when negative things want to barge into our space, we can simply opt out of the pressure of the flesh, entering into the Breath (Ruach HaKodesh). It simply means to deeply breathe into the breath of the Spirit, releasing the darkness by forgiveness and repentance, opting out of the flesh realm into the Spirit, intertwining with the Lord and go up on eagle’s wings. Here we receive divine strategy, engaging with the 7 Spirits of God who teach us how to govern.
This is available for all and everyone who would take the time to “wait” (Kava) on the Lord. As we intertwine with Him, breathing and drinking into the Spirit.
From this height in the heavenlies, our eyes are bright with divine perspective and discerning with laser-sharp vision, released through the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding – to see our path ahead with clarity. God is spilling His glory over our thinking processes as we come to know Him in a deeper way. Having set our minds and affections on things above, not on the things of the earth, we live, move and have our being in Him in the place of rest.
In this expansion in His glory light, the light will also expand from us in an enlarged radius, shining into and dispelling darkness.
The parts of our identity that have been locked up, He is unlocking through the sound of liberty that we are now releasing from this place of freedom in the Spirit.
My prayer is that we all grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord in intimate encounters in His Presence.