
Heavenly Perspective of the Warrior Bride

Hand with fiery sword 2

Those who are trying to work things out with their own wisdom, leaning on their own understanding, will find themselves going around in endless circling around the same mountain. The key is to rise up in the spirit in worship, trusting God to release heavenly perspective, directives and strategy – simply to speak His Word to the mountain (Mark 11:23-24) and it shall be removed, wielding the sword of the Spirit!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. – Prov.3:5-6

I was praying for someone over the phone, when I saw this person from above, while sharing with her what I was seeing: I saw the different components of her life (like compartments around her) which all had “mountains” – marriage, children, job, finances and herself running around frantically to “control” everything around her and becoming hopeless and heavy under the oppression of it as she was looking at it from a human point of view, leaning on her own insight.

As she leaned into the vision, she was receiving His perspective, seeing herself IN HIM, looking down from above.
She handed over her worries to the Lord and started worshiping Him.
As she received the sword of the Word and as we started declaring the Word of the Lord over each “mountain” (in agreement), faith and hope rose up in her and she started to see the expected end of victory.

Prayer: Father I ask that you release heavenly perspective to you children as the rise up in worship and to release the Word of the Lord to speak over their situations, seeing the mountains flattened – in Jesus’ Name!


I recently had a vision of myself being stripped of what I was wearing and an angel putting something on my head. I saw a bright golden warrior helmet. Suddenly I saw that I was clothed in shining gold armor down to my loins (like a Roman soldier). Underneath I was wearing a flimsy wide white wedding dress with sandals on my feet.

I knew that I was clothed in Eph. 6 armor, the Christ Himself in all His glory covering me as His bride. He spoke to me as His warrior bride to rise up and war for souls.

For those who are called into His army: You can receive the impartation of this into your spirit – seeing yourself also in this array.

I want to exhort you to get clothed in the armor of God, which is the Christ – He is the Truth around the loins of your mind, He is our Righteousness (which guards our hearts), He is the Prince of Peace, He is our shield and we live by His faith in us, He is our Salvation and He is the Word. His glory (gold) is our shield and our defense.


As we lean, not on our own understanding but on the Lord, putting our trust in Him, worshiping Him in ascension, the Holy Spirit releases His Word, either through the quickening of the Logos (written Word) or through a Rhema (revelation with Prophetic directive) into our spirit.

Receiving His Word (Sword) for ourselves, others and for every situation, we need to come into AGREEMENT with Him by FAITH, ENVISIONING the expected outcome of that Word.

Now we need to WIELD the SWORD by SPEAKING it, Prophesying, declaring, singing it back to Him,

As we SPEAK to our mountains by faith releasing His Word over it, we can SAY to the mountain “be thou removed and it will fall into the sea”.

I want to encourage you to rise up (out of hopeless situations and horizontal “views”), in worship of our King and expect Him to give you heavenly perspective over your life and situations, waiting on Him to give you the “quickened” Word, the Sword of the Spirit.

See yourself as His warrior bride, clothed in the armor of the King to withstand all the wiles of the enemy, wielding the sword of His Word against every “mountain” by faith, expecting the victory as you “see” it. Jubilate in His Almighty power and might and praise Him until the manifestation of the Word. Hallelujah!

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