Prophetic Broadcast – “Seer realm”

Prophetic Workshop on the “Seer” realm. This is also available on the website:
Posted by Elsabe Briers-Bakkes on Sunday, March 6, 2016
Prophetic Workshop on the “Seer” realm. This is also available on the website:
Posted by Elsabe Briers-Bakkes on Sunday, March 6, 2016
“Lean into Me , Lean into Me, Lean into Me in greater intimacy. Lean into what the Spirit is doing in this hour and come away from your earthly pre-occupations. As you lift Me up, glorifying Me in your praises with a heart of thankfulness, I will draw you even into deeper revelation of…
Day 20 – Divine Love My testimony in this time of our prayer focus is that I have noticed that the Lord has given me greater love for the people who are easily wounded. Maybe because I am an artist too, I have noticed how easily artistic people get hurt, because they are often very…
I recently had some powerful dreams, full of Prophetic Directives for this season:In my first dream it was conveyed to me that God is releasing a fresh anointing of Prophetic Intercession on those who are in need of breakthrough in their lives, families, businesses and ministries. As you pray in tongues, touching the heart of…
I sense that the Lord is putting a fresh emphasis on the importance of the centrality of the cross and the power of His precious Blood! After sharing in an evening meeting about the glorious power of the Blood of Jesus that wrought the victory for us on the Cross, the Holy Spirit was revelating…
We are looking forward to seeing all our friends and in Hawaii at our upcoming Prophetic meetings in Honolulu.
JOB 12:22: “He reveals His secrets, which are unsearchable, from that which He has restrained and will bring to the light His secrets.” Oh Lord, You are so rich and deep and glorious and mysterious! How wondrous is your Word and how wonderful Your ways! I marvel at You and Your greatness overwhelms me as…