Arise in the Resurrection Glory and see Miracles!
“You have to carry the sound of the resurrection in your spirit in victory”.
“You have to carry the sound of the resurrection in your spirit in victory”.
I sense that the Holy Spirit is calling the Bride to take time out in preparation for the Passover Celebration 2018. Come and sit at His feet, absorbing His full provision through the blood. Behold the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world and allow the Holy Spirit to imprint this glory into your…
In corporate worship on Resurrection Sunday, I heard the Lord saying, “You have to carry the sound of the resurrection in your spirit in victory”. I was pondering on the Word, experiencing it like water washing over me and it was permeating my whole being as a vibration, realizing that the “sound” was deposited…
We are in a divine time-frame to shift into the new that God has in store for us. Let’s apply the power of the cross to every issue in our lives and those of our families where things have gone out of alignment with the divine plumb line. Die to past regrets about things that…