Blockages in Hearing God’s Voice
Blockages in hearing God’s voice:
The spirit of the World
The more we lean towards materialism, covetousness and self-gratification, the more our minds become preoccupied with the desires of the flesh and the lust of the eye and before long pride sets in. The gravitational pull of the spirit of the world will prevent us from ascending in the spirit and we will not be able to hear God. We need to guard against being influenced, guided and motivated by the things of the world in order to live from every Word that comes from our Father’s mouth.
The Lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the greatness of life.
The enemy uses very subtle lures through the spirit of the world to draw us into the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the greatness of life.
It is so easy to give up our special time with the Lord to partake of the “delicacies” of the world and before you know it, you start cooling off and your love for the Lord and the things of the Lord grows cold.
We have to live a separated life style. That doesn’t mean that we withdraw as a recluse, living a monastic life, because we are still in this world to be witnessed of His glory. We are in the world but not of the world. Hallelujah!
In order to hear God’s voice our focus has to be on the Lord and not on self and the desires of self.
God is a Spirit, and if we want to hear His voice, we need to be in the spirit, just as the Apostle John was on the Lord’s day in Revelation 1.
It is necessary to separate ourselves daily for a time of solitude where we can quiet the “noise” of the world and the static around us in order to become still to hear clearly from the Lord. If we “skimp” on our time with Him, our hearing grows dim and our mind gets more and more occupied with the things of daily life, so that we start leaning on our own understanding, instead of on the wisdom of God. A quick little prayer here and there will soothe our conscience for a while, but the longer we postpone to have true intimate fellowship with the Lord, simply to adore him and worship Him, the more dull our spiritual senses become until we are totally dry.
Self-love is the opposite of divine love. If we are focused on the desires of the self, we will not be able to hear God, for His love is self-sacrificial. The self has to be fully surrendered on the cross in order for the Spirit to rule and have the reign in our lives.
The widow of Zarephath is an example of someone who was so totally focused on herself and her needs, that she didn’t hear God, although He said He has commanded her to provide for Elijah.
She was also consumed by her pre-occupation with her negative circumstances and could only see death.
The Word tells us in Matt.6:33 to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you”.
This scripture follows directly; upon “Give no thought for what you shall eat and what you shall drink (as the Gentiles).” God looks after the lilies of the field and the birds of the air.
When your focus is on your self and your negative circumstances, you will not be able to see what God is saying and you will lose hope, expecting the worse.
Worry and the Cares of the World
Worry will keep your mind so occupied with fear that you will totally be unable to hear God, being prone to take matters into your own hands in order to solve your problems, which of course will just grow worse, because God is not acknowledged when you lean on your own understanding and He doesn’t support our self power.
Our perception determines where our mind goes. If our eyes are not turned to the Lord, we cannot hear His voice.
In Habakkuk 2 the prophet states that he will set himself on the watch tower to see what the Spirit is “saying”. He knew the secret! Isn’t that interesting? The Holy Spirit wants our senses to be tuned to Him in full attention and then He will speak.
Likewise, when Moses “turned” to look at the burning bush, he heard God’s voice speaking from the bush to him.
John was in the spirit on the Lord’s day, meaning that he was not even aware of his flesh and his surroundings and his emotional or physical needs.
Heb.12 tells us to look away unto Jesus (after throwing off the burdens and the sin which so easily encompass us), because He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. Faith will cause us to access the realm of God and rise up in the spirit to experience the heavenly dimensions. From there, where we are seated together with Christ Jesus at the right hand of the Father, we will rule and reign together with Him over every assignment of the enemy. Hallelujah!
From these insights we can clearly see that the attack of the enemy is very subtle to seduce our mind in pre-occupation with the things of the world, self, worry and the cares of the world. Therefore our prayer should be that the Holy Spirit will hover us to make us very watchful and alert to keep our minds free from the infiltration of the influences of the world.
Hindering spirits in the form of Familiar Spirits
These spirits can attach themselves to your life and destiny through emotional, familiar ties and need to be discerned and expelled by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Fear, Jealousy, Pride and the Lying spirit
The above-mentioned evil spirits are all on assignment to get a hold of our flesh as a landing strip to operate from. These also have to be exposed in the light of the Holy Spirit and expelled by His power.
Unforgiveness and refusal to repent of sin
These two will cause you to be totally stuck, so that you will go nowhere, because God’s blessing cannot come on your life if these two things are present.
The Ascended Life-style
It is vital to ascend into the heavenliness to experience the realm of God’s glory and this can never happen while we allow the gravitational pull of the spirit of the world to infiltrate our senses.
A Life-style of attentive tuning to the Lord
As we develop a lifestyle of living in His Presence, practicing a living fellowship, communion-union with the Lord, having our minds set on things above, our spiritual senses will be sharpened and fine-tuned so that we will always know His perfect will and His living Word for the moment. This is victorious living – to see what our Father is doing and hear what He is saying, then simply obey our of love.
Our motivation in any decision should be the Spirit of the Lord. If He is not breathing on our decisions, our actions are in vain and we will make costly mistakes.
Times of Separation
At times when we need replenishment and at crucial times in our lives when seasons shift and God intends to shift us into new dimensions, the Holy Spirit will woo us to “come away” with Him and then it is wise to separate yourself in unfamiliar surroundings for a period of time – far away from the things that can distract you, so that your entire focus can be on the Lord.
Jesus set the example for us, as recorded in Mark 1:35………..He often set Himself apart in a solitary place to pray and to “hear what the Father is saying” and that set the course for His day.
Let us examine ourselves in the light of His Word to bring ourselves in total alignment and fresh consecration to the Lord in order to live from His living Word and as we pursue Him, we will surely hear Him clearly.
In the light of HIs glory and grace we are transformed from one degree of glory to the next until we come to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Hallelujah!
Blessings of transformation and growing intimacy with the Lord