
Day 5 – Increase Your Praise!


The Lord has quickened Ps. 66 to me today.

Psalm 66

To the Chief Musician. A song. A Psalm.

Make a joyful noise unto God, all the earth;

Sing forth the honor and glory of His name; make His praise glorious!

Say to God, How awesome and fearfully glorious are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power shall Your enemies submit themselves to You [with feigned and reluctant obedience].

All the earth shall bow down to You and sing [praises] to You; they shall praise Your name in song. Selah[pause, and calmly think of that]!

Come and see the works of God; see how [to save His people He smites their foes; He is] terrible in His doings toward the children of men.

When we bring our petitions and declarations before the Lord, let us recall His wondrous works in our lives and extol Him with exuberant praise that He always gives us the victory.

Here is a secret:

Isaiah 64:4-6

Amplified Bible (AMP)

For from of old no one has heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who works and shows Himself active on behalf of him who [earnestly] waits for Him.

You meet and spare him who joyfully works righteousness (uprightness and justice), [earnestly] remembering You in Your ways. 

These Scriptures promise that God work beyond our experience when we do 3 things: Stay in righteousness, and joyfully remember His glorious works.

I want to encourage you to make time to recall your blessings and just praise the Lord for His goodness and grace in your life.  Sing new songs to Him and testify to others of His wondrous works in your life.

Lord, we praise You for Your almighty power and for the manifold ways in which You have blessed us and have brought us out of distress in the past.  We rejoice in You and now we declare

  • That You will smite the enemy
  • That You will work and show Yourself mighty beyond our imagination as we rejoice in You, work righteousness and remember Your mighty works of the past.
  • We declare that we are breaking through, breaking out and breaking free of any hindrances, entering into a new dimension in the spirit.
  • Chains of bondage are broken as we receive Your glory light of revelation and see in a new way, Lord!
  • New doors are opening for us in the spirit and in the natural by Your grace

We bless Your Name our Lord!

Let’s just go through the Psalms and rejoice in His praises!


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