
Kingdom Shift

As we all know, 12 is the number for Kingdom Order and Alignment!  Everything that shifts into this order of the Lord will stand, the rest will fall.  Everyone moving in sync with this divine shift in and by the Spirit, will experience an ease and a flow, but those who are insensitive or in resistance to His leading, will find themselves in the “gravel” of the flesh!  Every part of our lives have to come under the reign of the Lord Jesus to experience the Kingdom of abundant life in the Spirit!


I have been sensing for a while now that February is going to be a significant month in this shift. Position yourself to be ready for what the Holy Spirit wants to pour over you!

Watch for the transitioning from February 11-12, 2012.  We are about to take off into new dimensions in the Spirit!  Increase your time with the Lord in the secret place, fast and pray much in tongues, saturate yourself in worship and the Word and LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN for the Sound in the Mulberry bush!  NEW ORDERS ARE COMING!  BE READY TO SOAR ON HIS WIND AND RIDE THE GLORY WAVE!

Other prophets are hearing the same Word.  Read the Word of Kim Clement: http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=10684


The urgent call in this season is as clear as a trumpet, imploring us to “Come up!”  Kingdom blueprints are spread out on the counseling table of the Lord in the secret place for those who will ascend into His Presence by the Spirit.

There will be signs and wonders when we take time to go up on “Mount Zion” to see what the Father is doing and to hear what He is saying, then simply implement it as it was seen and speaking what was heard.  God alone will receive the glory and His Name will be magnified, for where we simply become conduits for His glory, everyone will know it is the glory of the LORD!

As we “go up” on His invitation, He will show us people and situations from His perspective and He will show us things to come and solutions for difficult situations and we will see the end from the beginning, seeing people by the eyes of the Spirit and not of the flesh. Then, simply acting out what we have seen, His glory river will flow!  In the process we will gain patience and longsuffering, but best of all a heart of love.   This is what He is really interested in – that we be transformed into people who will love like He does, being about our Fathers’ business.

APOSTOLIC TEAMS are being linked up to do Kingdom exploits in the unity of like-mindedness.


Since November 2011 there has been an ongoing emphasis on divine restoration.  Ride this wave with divine decrees coming from the place of intimacy to pave the way for your destiny to unfold in Kingdom blessings. DO NOT LET UP!

“You will decree a thing and it will be established for you;

and light will shine on your ways.”  – Job 22:28


I heard the Lord saying, “There is a Bridal Company that I am going to deck with my jewels of revelation in the secret place.” We are transitioning into a new season of revelatory outpouring beyond anything that we have ever experienced. By the light of revelation, faith in the Word will become a “knowing” that will result in manifestation as we speak it! The riches of God’s glory are opening up for those who are true seekers of Christ – to see Him face to Face, spirit-to-Spirit – not only to be blessed, but to be transformed until we carry His glory and power. Double doors of His favor and grace will open up before you as you pursue Him for Himself – to adore Him and worship Him for Who He is.


In this place of intimacy Kingdom authority and power is released, together with increased angelic assistance, to establish His Kingdom in signs and wonders and miracles. Those who pursue the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, will walk in humility and love, living from His Word in worship!


In the light of His glory and grace, there is an exuberant joy!  Don’t take your eyes off the Lord, for then you will lose it.  His joy will be your strength to carry you over every obstacle that might come and those around you!  It is a joy in the Lord – exceedingly and full of glory – in the knowing of His Almighty power and strength living on the inside of us, ready to be poured out!  Glory to the King of kings and Lord of lords!  “Rejoice!” and again I say, “Rejoice!”


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