“Seer” Anointing – 2
I cannot over emphasize the importance of being saturated with the Word of God, worship and prayer so that our whole being be filled and saturated with the Spirit.
As our consciousness is absorbed IN HIM in the LIGHT, our heart is made ready to receive impressions from the Holy Spirit and is impressed upon with His “now” revelation, being an open receptive “tablet” for the Holy Spirit to write on.More on the “apokalupsis” (Strong’s Greek 602), meaning “uncovering”:
It is that moment when “the light comes on”, revelation floods your understanding and suddenly you “see” that which was hidden or “covered”. Your eyes are “enlightened” by the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him and the Word becomes reality to you. This is an apokalupsis-type experience.
The problem is that many of us “lose” much of the impact of what God wants to reveal to us, simply because we do not take time to let it make an imprint on our hearts through meditation and study. I recommend using a concordance. Also look up the meaning of words in Strong’s on Google.
In the Hebraic language, words are coupled with pictures and become visually descriptive images. This is very significant in our endeavor to see more clearly what the Lord is saying. In simple terms we need to learn to envison (or put a picture to) the Word that we receive from the Lord.
It is amazing to see how our spiritual understanding is opening up and being expanded daily as we keep on praying for the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation…to give us “enlightened eyes of our understanding’” according to Ephesians 1: 17-20.
Strong’s Greek: 5461.- to shine
Cognate: 5461 phōtízō (from 5457 /phṓs, “light”) – properly,enlighten; (figuratively) God sharing His life, exposing and overcoming darkness – like the ignorance (prejudice) caused by sin.
This is interesting that the word “enlightening” is derived from phōtízō
which signifies a photograph or picture. Therefore we could pray that our heart’s eyes would receive the “picture” of what God is saying. Also exercise your sanctified imagination to “see” what He is saying (Hab.2:1-2).
On top of Wisdom and Revelation and “eyes to see” we need the light of understanding for the illumination of the things unveiled to us. Thus: we need to understand the “picture” and know how to apply it by asking for Wisdom.
One such “enlightening” comes on the understanding of the “rhema” word. The written Word (“logos”) becomes “rhema’ (revelation) to us when the Holy Spirit gives life to a specific scripture and it resounds in the depth our spirit with understanding, “for the letter killeth, but the Spirit gives life’ (II Cor. 3: 6). This is one way in which the Lord “speaks” to us.
23 “If any man has ears to hear, let him be listening and let him perceive and comprehend.
24 And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you—and more [besides] will be given to you who hear.
25 For to him who has will more be given; and from him who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away [by force]” (Mark 4:23-25 Amplified Bible)
The more we meditate on that Word, or “picture” (in whatever form it comes, e.g. a vision or dream, etc.) feeding on it, agreeing with it and speaking it forth, the more we can start seeing the picture according to God’s Word until it becomes substance on the inside of us. Faith rises up in us and it brings strength and encouragement to our spirit man. Seeing by the eyes of faith (having the picture of God’s promise before us) displaces fear images and enables us to see and expect the fulfillment of God’s promises (Heb. 11:1). This is a vital key for victory in every situation of our lives.
God showed Abram the stars to get the picture of what He was saying when he said that his seed would be like the stars (Gen 15:5). In Gen 22: 17 God adds the picture of the sand of the sea to make Abraham understand what He was saying.
“And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.” – Gen 15:6