“Seer” Anointing
The “Seer” Anointing – 1
Currently there is much emphasis on the eye and the visionary aspects in the prophetic stream and I have been led to discuss various kinds of visions and dreams in the following weeks. The year 2014 is numerically the year 5774 in the Hebrew calendar, known as Ayin Dalet. Ayin refers to vision and Dalet to an open door. (see previous post on April 10). Since the beginning of this Hebraic Year there is a definite increase in visionary experiences, because we are in a time frame in which God wants to take us into higher realms of revelation and visitation.
We have both physical eyes and the eyes of our heart by which we “see” into the spiritual realm and understand spiritual truth. To increase your ability to “see” into the spirit realm, I would recommend that you pray the prayer in Eph.1:17-20 on a regular basis. Be expectant to “see” what God is saying, because visions could also be called visible Word. God “speaks” to us through what He shows us. As we are positioning ourselves to see more in the spirit, it is important to keep our natural eyes guarded from images of the world that are fleshly, violent and unclean. The heart is like a photographic plate, recording the images we see and as we want to behold the glory of the Lord, we need to fix our eyes on things above, not on the earth. (Col.3:3)
Most of us have had a moment where we said, “Oh now I see what you are saying”. It is like the light that comes on in a dark room, so the light of revelation will lit up your candle on the inside and understanding will come on a spiritual truth and you will receive insight on something that you couldn’t understand before. That is an apokalupsis-type experience. When you pray in the Spirit while you read your Bible, this will happen regularly. Get yourself a new journal and start writing down what God is showing you and mark it as a dream, vision or revelation. You will stand surprised at how He “talks” to you. Before you go to bed, ask the Lord to speak to you in your dreams. It is for everyone who asks and believes that he will receive.
King James 2000 Bible “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” Acts 2:17
Look at what is going on before the prophecies, dreams and visions: There is an outpouring of the Spirit. If we look at the instances in the Bible when prophets had visions and visitations, it is coupled with “being in the spirit” (like the Apostle John on Patmos) or in solitude (Moses and the burning bush) or in prayer (Daniel). Therefore, if you desire increase in this area, do likewise, praying much in the Spirit, setting yourself apart in devotion and worship.
Prayer: Father of glory, I pray that You would give me the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ. Open the eyes of my heart, so that I can see into the spirit realm what You want to show me. Dreams, visions, revelations and visitations are part of my inheritance in Christ and I trust You to enlarge my ability to see in the seer realm and to give me the wisdom and understanding to apply it rightly for Your glory – in Jesus’ Name. Amen. Blessings Elsabe