
Activation and Manifestation

 One Night With the King for E-Mail WITH Sunday announcement Edited Feb 9, 2013

This is a time of activation in the body of Christ to rise up in like-mindedness, forming teams to operate under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to do the greater works to advance the Kingdom.

Many are breaking out of bondages of stagnation, complacency and being “pew-sitters”, knowing their identity in Christ and moving forward in their call and destiny.

During the last few weeks we have truly experienced an activation taking place in the body of believers who are truly pursuing the Lord for Himself. They are stepping out in faith, knowing that the Greater One on the inside will do the greater works through them.  I like to call it “body-works”.  No-one can take the glory for himself, for the body is a living organism, consisting of many members, each operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as He moves on them. These members are fitly joined together as one under the ONE,  the Head, Christ Jesus!

They are compelled by love as their Master, following in His footsteps under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to heal everyone who is oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38) and they live to give Him glory!


Something important that has manifested, is that blockages in many people’s lives have been broken by being healed of trauma in their past.  Most people have experienced some kind of trauma, but few have had it dealt with.  When the spirit of trauma is cast out regarding the particular area and situation that a person had suffered trauma, healing takes place – not only emotionally, but oftentimes also physically.

     We could describe trauma as a deeply distressing emotional experience, often accompanied by emotional or physical shock.  It can take on many forms, like loss or bereavement, the trauma of abandonment, rejection, illness of self or a family member or friend, sudden bad news, etc.  Some trauma is caused by an instant shock, but it can also build up over a period of time as in the case of constant abuse (mentally, emotionally or physically). Trauma can also result from long-term stress through fearful situations or circumstances (e.g. a state of war or natural disasters).

Many times trauma is hidden and covered up, either because it hurts so much that the person refuses to face it, or because he or she has learned to live with it.

We can carry the trauma of an event or situation in the memory long after it has happened because of the negative thought patterns associated with it.  Eventually, as seen above, it could result in some form of ailment.

While ministering to people, I have noticed that breast cancer is often the result of a mother’s ongoing emotional trauma over stressful situations that take place in the life of a child and especially through the loss of a loved one.

To walk in the consciousness of perfect peace, we need to hand over the stress, fear, worries and anxiety that we carry in our hearts, giving our burdens to the Lord, for He cares for us.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are

heavy laden,

and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you,

and learn of me;

for I am meek and lowly in heart:

and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy and

my burden is light.”

Matt. 11:28-30

Then we need to receive healing in the areas where we have been traumatized in any way, so that even our memories can be healed.  Many times physical pain will disappear instantly when we receive healing prayers for trauma.

If you have suffered any kind of trauma in your life, whether it was physical, mental or emotional (e.g. and accident, surgery, molestation, sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, divorce, loss of a loved one, betrayal, abandonment, mental abuse, etc.) you can pray the prayer below and name the specific trauma that you have experienced.  Receive your healing by faith and you will experience a wonderful freedom.

Ask the Lord to show you the origin and long-term effect of trauma that you have suffered and take dominion over it as follows:

Place your hand over your heart and receive healing for any shock or trauma that you suffered.  Now pray this prayer over your life:

“Father, in the Name of Jesus I ask that you heal me from the trauma of………………………………………………………………………

I choose to completely forgive the persons involved


             and I release them totally, in Jesus’ Name.

Now I bind the spirit of trauma and command it to go to waterless

 places in the Name of Jesus.  I command the feelings of rejection, fear, hurt, anger, hopelessness and depression to go, commanding it never to return – in Jesus’ Name.

Lord, I ask in Jesus’ Name that You heal my heart, mind, emotions and memory of all trauma and I receive full restoration by Your precious Blood.

I speak the blessing of life and wholeness into every area of my spirit, soul and body and I praise You, Father for complete restoration in my mind and memory – In Jesus’ Name. 

     I command my body to line up with the Word and I command the chemical balances and electrical frequencies in my cells to come into perfect order, in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You, Father. Amen.”


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