
Day 17 – The Testimony of Jesus

Day 17 – 

“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” Rev. 19:10

The root word of testimony in the Hebrew means “do again”.  When we testify of the wonderworking power of the Lord, we are prophesying that He will do it again.

I have received various testimonies of Jesus breaking through for people in different areas of their lives.  Today I received the testimonies of four people who have had personal spiritual breakthroughs into freedom from a place of oppression where they have been completely downcast into a place where they now have fresh vision and have entered into a place of freedom with great joy.

Many have been going through discouragement and hopelessness, but this is just an assignment of the spirit of Python that wants to strangle you so that you cannot see your future and destiny in Christ.

I want to encourage each of you to start praising the Lord will all your might for His almighty power to break you through, break you out and break you free from any assignment of the enemy.  For those who will do this, I prophesy that the Lord Jesus has come to set you free from captivity and He will give you the breakthrough in all areas as you put your trust in Him, praising Him as the Lord of the breakthrough!  So increase your praise!  Take Him on His Word that He will do it again as you testify of His wonderworking power, His glory, His goodness, His grace and mercy and rejoice in your victory today for everything you are believing Him for!

If you have had any breakthrough so far, start testifying of God’s grace to the people around you too, giving God all the glory! I love hearing your testimonies, so please keep writing to me so that we can all rejoice together and be encouraged!  Hallelujah!

Blessings to you all


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