Day 18 – New Wineskins
There is a countdown to Pentecost and we are positioning ourselves, preparing a new wineskin, as containers to receive the new wine of this new season with expectation to be filled with fresh fire and boldness of the Spirit to be part of God’s end-time move. I see great fruitfulness bursting forth in God’s people who have broken free from the chains of restrictions that held us down in the last season.
LET US BE SATURATED IN THE LIGHT! (Lay down and leave behind every part of baggage and bondage that belonged to darkness – in thought, history, worry, fear, anxiety, anger, bitterness, disappointment, sluggishness, despondency, hopelessness, unbelief, wavering, regret, etc). (You can add your own) _________________________________________________
“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Cor.4:6)
I see great fruitfulness bursting forth in God’s people who have broken free from the chains of restrictions that held us down in the last season.
- There is a division between light and darkness
- We declare that we and those we pray for will clearly distinguish between light and darkness, between that which is of God and that which is not
- We will continually choose what is righteous and holy in order to walk in the light and the blessing of the Lord – LEAVING THE OLD BEHIND (not to think about or speak about it again).
Philippians 2:13
King James Version (KJV)
“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.”
- We declare Break through! Break out! Break free! from every restriction of the past – in Jesus’ Name! Chains have been broken!
- We are moving forward into God’s limitless glory
- We will fulfill God’s will and purposes for us on the earth, pursuing His kingdom and His righteousness for His glory
- We are ready to burst forth into a fresh anointing to shine His glory light everywhere, establishing His Kingdom
- We declare that we and those we pray for are breaking through into a new season of fruitfulness with a fresh anointing to do our part in this End-time harvest.
- As we are offering our time, offering our lives as a sweet-smelling sacrifice to the Lord, let us also prepare a special offering of our goods (finances, food, clothes or whatever God puts on our hearts to give unto Him – wherever He leads us to give into His grace and glory).
- We are being transformed from one degree of glory to the next and we are being aligned into divine order to be God’s ambassadors on the earth!
Let us also increase our praise and thankfulness for His grace and mercy and goodness over our lives and those we pray for! Rejoice! For His mercy endures forever!