

Beloved, prepare for a Divine breaking out!  As you receive this Prophetic Word, your breaking out is imminent!  Breaking out of restrictions, confusion, attacks of divination (false prophecy of the enemy), fear, bondage, strongholds of confinement in mindsets, holding patterns of the enemy to hinder, restrict, constrain, block you or deter you from fulfilling God’s next assignment.

This is what it is all about: God’s glory is about to be poured out in unprecedented measures and you have a part in it.  This is what the enemy wants to steal from you!

Paul and Silas were imprisoned through lies and accusations because the spirit of divination was exposed. Likewise, many have been listening to the lies of the enemy and have been imprisoned by the enemy, telling them that there is no way out. Paul and Silas prayed unto God Almighty and lifted up their voices in praise at the midnight hour and the foundations of the prison were shaken. Likewise, as we refuse to accept the status quo of restrictions, etc. turning our eyes and hearts to the Lord in prayer and praise, the foundations of our prison houses will also be shaken, the bondages will fall off by God’s Almighty power and others will see it, giving God the glory!

 Keep praising God for the victory until it manifests!

 Watch the related video here.



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