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Spirit Strength
The Word of the Lord came to me in a powerful encounter on Friday, June 15th, 2012 while having lunch with a co-minister. This encounter lasted for over an hour and the Spirit ministered powerfully to us with accompanying visions and personal Words. This is the part that I feel led to share with the…
Day 4: Breakthrough Out of Bondage
This is the Year of Ayin Dalet – the Enlightened eye and the Open Door. Today, as we press in, we ask Father, that You open our eyes with more light in our understanding in the knowledge of Christ.
Whispers in the Silence
Sitting in silence of the early morning. My heart reflecting the still waters of the pond in front of me, mirroring the tree trunks like silent statues. Reminding me of oaks of righteousness, planted by the river of living waters. Aww! He is talking about my meditation before Him. My eye catches the light on…
Agape Life Ministries NEW WINESKIN OF LOVE . GET SOAKED and SATURATEDin HIS PRESENCE!There is fulness of JOY! GOD SEEKS WORSHIPPERS!It is amazing how easily we can miss the essentials. The essential desire of God is to have WORSHIPERS, who will WORSHIP HIM in spirit and in truth – not as a ritual, but…
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