As we are speeding forth to the Hebraic New Year 5779, starting on September 9th (09/09/2018) at sundown, there is a load of prophetic significance to be understood in order to tap into all the hidden treasures of God’s wisdom. “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do” (I Chronicles 12:32). From 2010 to 2019 (the year’s 5770 to 5779) is focused on the significance of the last two digits “70”. All these ”70’s” through this decade signify the Hebrew word “AYIN.” “Ayin” signifies an eye…or insight or seeing or perceiving with God’s perspective. It is a word for God’s revelation by the Spirit of wisdom and understanding to “see”. Some writers describe it as “fountain”…as in a fountain of wisdom. We will also look into the symbolic meaning of the number 9 and the Hebrew Word Talet. It is a most exciting time to tap into the way God sees. No wonder that the “seer”-anointing is increasing – especially in those that are seeking the Lord’s perspective. In the process our minds have to be renewed from darkness to light – to focus on the Lord to have the mind of Christ by what He reveals in the secret place of intimacy. In the following 21 days until Rosh Hosanna (Hebraic New Year), we are going to focus on the renewal of our minds to access that which God has laid up for us in the realm of prophetic revelation. You will be positioned and strengthened to:
To access the 21-day Preparation for the Year 5779, click here to subscribe. You will receive a short video with a teaching every day. Seeing with new sight Elsabe |