Living in the freedom of the Spirit
Beloved, be careful that you do not get entangled under a yoke of slavery, putting yourselves into bondage of have-to’s and should-do’s. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free from the law of do’s and don’ts so that we can serve Him in obedience to His will out of love!
The world system is a system of performance, which can easily ensnare us to live in the flesh instead of being led by the Spirit of the living God. Bowing under the yoke of pressure, will cause you to be driven, which is opposed to being led by the Spirit.
All and everything has to flow from God as our Source in a free flow of resurrection power.
That which is performance orientated will have the smell of flesh on it with no anointing and as a result, no power.
Let our choice in every situation be to live freely in the peace and joy of the Spirit of life!
Gal.5:1: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” KJV