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Prayer Directives for 21 day Consecration

Praying man

Hi Everyone,

The fact that you are reading this, is because the Holy Spirit has drawn you to set yourself apart for 21 days for a fresh consecration in order to be empowered in the glory with a double portion. Why 21 days? Because it is proven to bring breakthrough (as with Daniel).

You can choose to start at any time, with as much fasting as possible – even if it is for 10 days, 7 days, 3 days or even for one day at a time in the middle of this period of 21 days.

Fasting is a sure way to be increased in the anointing and your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and if you choose to fast, anoint yourself with oil (Matt.6:16-18) for the fast and it will be very easy. Also drink a lot of water (and if you add some lemon juice, Maple syrup and cayenne pepper, it gives you extra energy and serves as a wonderful physical detox as well).

Some things to do before you start, and which should be repeated every day:
1) Go on your knees and consecrate yourself to the Lord –
Prayerfully setting your goals:
* to be set apart for Him to speak to you in clarity (praying for the enlightening of your eyes by the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation of the Christ in order to know Him, to know what is the hope of His calling, to know what is your inheritance in Him and to know what is the exceeding great and mighty power of the holy Spirit within you. (Eph.1:17-20)
* ask for a fresh anointing and to experience a new dimension of the glory
* breakthrough into the new season that is here, making yourself available to be part of the ingathering of souls in this harvest time everywhere you go.
* Asking the Lord for the dunamis empowering for miracles
* Ask for salvations in your family, for relationships to be restored and for awakening and revival (starting with yourself if you are not walking in it)
* Write down your vision and set your personal goals and heart’s desires before the Lord, asking Him to shift you into the manifestation of it.

2) Ask the Lord to show you anything that can hinder you from receiving your breakthrough. We cannot move into the new without letting go of the old. Repent, forgive, let the blood of Jesus wash your heart, emotions, mind and memory and let the past go by shutting the door on it, refusing to remember it anymore. (Phil 3:13b). Make a point of blessing the people who offended you in any way.

3) Check your own heart (and thought patterns) to see if there is any concern, worry, fear or pressure that you are carrying. Then let it go into the hands of the Lord (Read Matt.11:28) to give Him your full trust and attention.

4) Shut down all distractions and focus your mind on the Lord,
keeping a detailed journal of your communications with the Lord in this 21 day period.

5) Keep the elements of communion ready and use it whenever you are led to during these 21 days, today especially pleading the blood over your mind and senses.

6) Go to bed earlier, shut off all “noise” and become still before the Lord in the Word, worship and praying in tongues, positioning yourself to receive encounters with the Spirit in your dreams.


Read the Scripture passage of 2 Kings 2: 1-14
* Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten the eyes of your understanding, praying in tongues and meditating on the passage.
* Tear your old “mantle”, laying yourself down to receive a new mantle.
* Pray into what He shows you and make notes to review later.

FOCUS on Jesus and start thanking the Lord for all He has done for you and all that He has in store for you. Praise Him and jubilate in Him for giving you the breakthrough into a higher dimension of the glory and then start worshiping Him.
* When you sense the Presence of the Lord, worship Him, listening in the spirit to what He drops into your heart.
* As you speak His Word into the glory atmosphere, creative power is released and angels are set in motion to bring that Word to pass.

(Keep a recorder handy and record your prophetic decrees (the Word of the King) so that you can review it later, jubilating in the manifestation of it (Rom 4:17 – calling those things that be not just as though they were).

This will be the pattern for your daily fellowship with the Lord, and we will add more daily Scriptures and directives. Do not follow this as a routine. Be led by the Spirit, but include the Word, prayer, worship and communion daily.

PRAYER: Triune God, we praise You for a new hunger and thirst for You, to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in intimacy with you. Father of Glory, show us Your glory and, as You transform us, let the weight of Your glory grow in us so that Your power can manifest through us in miracles, signs and wonders to establish the Kingdom for a harvest of souls – all for Your glory! Amen.


* Go on your knees and bow your heart in humble adoration before your Maker. He alone is worthy to be praised and worshiped. Declare that you will not bow before any other god. Pray in tongues and ask the Lord to show you any form of idolatry in your life – things which steal your focus and keep your mind occupied. Repent and Let it go!
* Identify and deal with all distractions.
* Release people, concerns and issues that are on your mind – giving all to Jesus to take care of. Put your trust in Him to solve any issue and ENTER INTO HIS REST and PEACE.
* Put your mind on things above and focus on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith.
* Read Ps 91 and see yourself in the secret place – under the shadow of the Almighty. Declare that He is your Refuge and your Shelter and get anchored in the security of His love.
Now ASCEND in worship, waiting on the Lord in adoration of His goodness and grace.
Let your soul be still until His Presence comes – then listen for His Word, come in agreement with it and declare it in the glory.
* Now declare your desires, vision and prophetic promises, praising God with Jubilation (see the Prophetic Word on “Jubilate” on www.elsabebriers.com).


* Do a heart check with the help of the Holy Spirit and make sure that there are no obstructions between you and the Lord. Forgive everyone and repent of any offense, fingerpointing, opinion, negative attitude, criticism or grudges that the Holy Spirit shows you.

LISTEN to the audio on this link:

PRAY: LORD GIVE ME A CLEAN HEART and RENEW A RIGHT SPIRIT IN ME. I open the gates of my heart that the King of glory can reign in every part of me.

*READ EPH.1:3 and DECLARE over yourself that you have been blessed with all the spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus.


* Now DECLARE: The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation is giving me OPEN EYES of my understanding to KNOW THE CHRIST and to grow into the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.(Eph.4:13)
* Ask the Lord to help you stand in the fullness of your identity in Christ, letting go of your own ideas of yourself.
* Spend time in worship and meditate on the Word as you pray in tongues, asking for expansion of your understanding.
* Press in for deeper encounters with the Lord.
* Now declare your desires, vision and prophetic promises, praising God with Jubilation
* Before going to bed, take stock of what you have learnt today, what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to walk you through the day, showing you anything in your heart, attitude or conduct that has grieved Him. Repent, release and worship Him in tongues.


Humble yourself before the Lord in thanksgiving, praising Him for what He is doing in your life. Be specific. Now worship Him in until you come face to face with Him in the glory.

Take communion, repenting of all negative words, thoughts, deeds and attitudes, asking the Lord to was you and cleanse you with His blood. Now plead the precious blood of Jesus over your heart, mind, senses and every part of your life and those of your family and friends.

Read Rom.12:1-2
* Set yourself {spirit, soul and body (with all your senses)} apart as a living sacrifice to The Lord, consecrated by His blood to serve Him as priests, bringing continuous praise to Him, setting yourself apart as a servant for the body of Christ.

* Read Rom.6:11 and DECLARE it out loud, absorbing it into your spirit.

Purpose to renew your mind daily by breaking with old thought patterns of negativity, watching over the gates of your senses to refuse negative input of any kind. Ask the Lord to put a watch over your mouth and to guard the door of your lips so that your conversation will be pleasing in His sight.

Now step into the kingly anointing of His authority to rule and reign with Him through His Word, shifting atmospheres into the glory and by Kingly decrees (which you see and hear in the glory) subdue the enemy.

Read 1 Peter 2:9

1) I am a king in God’s Kingdom and a priest unto my God, holy and set apart for Him – to sing forth His praises and declaring His will over myself and my family, church city, region and nation – as it is in heaven, so on the earth.
2) My mouth will only speak life and bring glory to my God in continuous praise.

Now Worship THE LORD in the beauty of holiness, listening to what He is conveying to your heart and write it down.

Make notes during the day as the Lord speaks to you, praying much in tongues. Act on what He shows you and commit yourself to transformation in the glory of His Presence.

MEMORIZE: Prov. 4:23: Above all else, guard thy heart; for out of it flows the issues of life.

Keep an attitude of Jubilation in His Almighty power to remove your mountains and give you victory in all facets of your life. DECLARE IT: IN CHRIST I HAVE THE VICTORY!


Let today be a day of jubilation! Re-read the recent Prophetic Word that I released a while ago, “God says, Jubilate!” (www.elsabebriers.com)

* Make a list of the things that are still on your mind daily. *Command the mountains to fall into the sea and start jubilating in God’s Almighty power & might.
* ENVISION the end result of answered prayers and praise God anew for it!

Listen to the MP3 on the link below:

* Look up all the Scriptures on Joy and Rejoicing and listen as He speaks to you. Zeph.3:17
* Sing to Him with your own new songs of thankfulness and praise, counting your blessings, worshiping Him.
* Know that He is rejoicing over you with singing as you sing from your heart to Him.
* Watch over your words (no complaint, accusation, relating anything negative, hardness, unkindness. Let it bring joy, blessing and grace to the hearers.
* Also start singing in the spirit over your loved ones, trusting the Lord to do a work of glory in them. When you sing in the spirit (in tongues) over situations, listen to the Holy Spirit and then DECLARE His Word over the situation with thanksgiving and rejoicing.

YOU WILL RECEIVE INCREASE IN DREAMS, VISIONS, PROPHETIC WORDS AND REVELATION during this time. Write your dreams down immediately on awakening. Remember the details of color, direction, feelings and atmospheres and ask the Spirit of Truth to reveal to you all that He wants to convey to you. Review it often and DECLARE what He says. Also be diligent in obeying His instructions to you.


Some time ago the Lord asked me this question:

“Would you be wrapped in the knowledge of the Christ?”
Whatever is predominant in your thinking processes is what you are wrapped in. Some people are so wrapped up in their gifts that they lose sight of the Giver. Others are wrapped up in the concerns over their families. These things can become idols if we are not careful.

I was meditating on the new mantles for empowering that God is releasing now (see Prophetic Word “Shift” on www.elsabebriers.com).

Then I saw a video of Patricia King, named “Mantles” (https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=3guahft9ep6hs#5337094260).
She speaks of the mantle of humility, which is where our empowering lies. God showed her that it is purple on the inside (where no-one can see – in intimacy with the KING) and brown on the outside (now “show”).

Let us ask the Holy Spirit to shine His light on any form of pride or idolatry in our lives (in word, attitude, self-exaltation in our hearts, etc.). Root out all and everything that reeks of pride and jealousy with the help of the Holy Spirit. These two are partners, never without each other. Jealousy is always comparing with others, wanting to be better and more important. It is irritable, frustrated, cynical, harsh on others and makes you feel that you are not valued enough, finding it hard to receive love.

Do not justify yourself, but recognize it, repent of it and kill it! Die to “wanting to be heard” or “wanting to be seen or recognized”, blowing your own horn or comparing yourself to others, feeling more superior! It also scorns others who do not “have it together” like you think you do. It is self-centered and loveless. It is evil and abhorrent!

If you find this in your heart and actions, repent, bow before the Lord, let Him wash you with His precious blood and think of it no more. Die to your self and clothe yourself with HIM!

The humility of the Lord is His holiness. Put on the apron of humility, the garment of Praise and be clothed in His righteousness and love.

Read 1 Pet.5:5/Phil.2:5-11/Rom.13:14 (Memorize)/Col.3:14/Gal.3:27
Meditate on Col 3:10-17 and change clothing.

Worship the Lord that He works His image into you by the Holy Spirit.


Read Eph. 6:18

While in worship I had a vision of myself being stripped of what I was wearing and an angel putting something on my head. My first thought was that it be a crown, but then I saw a bright golden warrior helmet. Suddenly I saw that I was clothed in shining gold armor down to my loins (like a Roman soldier) with the bright sword of the Spirit in my hand. Underneath I was wearing a wide white dress in bridal netting, with sandals on my feet.

I knew that I was clothed in Eph. 6 armor, but the Holy Spirit showed me that it was the Christ Himself in all His glory covering me as His bride. Every part of the armor symbolizes Him.

You can receive the impartation of this into your spirit, receiving Christ as your armor, seeing yourself in this array.
Remember that the armor also signifies your defense against the enemy with the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God in your mouth as the only offensive weapon.

MEDITATE on this vision during the day, seeing yourself totally protected in His armor, wielding the sword of the Word over every situation and do not cease praying – especially in tongues.


IF YOU ARE DOING A FULL FAST, YOU MIGHT FEEL WEAK AT TIMES. Anoint yourself afresh, putting your trust in the Lord to strengthen your body. This is not the time for much physical activity (Just do stretches).

If you do break the fast, eat something very light like thin soup with toast (no butter) just to strengthen your body and continue with the fast.


Be very careful for distractions and negative thoughts and reports. Shut the door of your mind on it! Shut off all the beepers and ringers and go into your closet with the door shut.
During these 21 days, separate yourself from social activities and unnecessary chores.

Read and memorize: Is.26:3. Ask yourself whether you truly have your mind fixed on the Lord and whether you truly trust Him in all things.

Repent if you don’t and purpose to do so. Then DECLARE your trust in Him – very specifically over anything that weighs on your heart or nags at the back of your mind! (You can write it down). Release those things to the Lord and specifically put your trust in Him for every detail. Draw a line through the “care” list and rejoice in God’s power and might! Do not look back at it again or allow yourself to ponder on it again. Simply praise Him for His Kingdom to come in every area of your life.

Read and Ponder on Ps. 46 while declaring verses 1-2.
Then v.10: “Be still and know that I am God”

Stay in this attitude before the Lord – focusing your mind’s eyes on Him, worshiping Him in the beauty of His Holiness, loving on Him, thanking Him for His goodness and grace and love. Revel in His love for you and “see” Him wrapping you in His love and care.

Now ask Father God to open the eyes of your understanding by the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation and start soaring in the spirit.

Write down what you see and hear and experience. Meditate on it and act on it.

For the rest of the day: Behold Him!
Inbetween your chores and work assignments, take many moments to lock eyes with Him, adoring Him, loving Him, praising His Name, seeing yourself wrapped in Him!

During the day and before you go to bed:
Acts 2:25-26 King James Version (KJV)

25 “For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for He is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:

26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope”.


Record dreams and visions and press in for the revelation of it.

Start the day with thanksgiving, praise and adoration. Celebrate what God is doing in you. WATCH and LISTEN to what He wants to show you, while worshiping in tongues.

READ and MEDITATE on Hab.2:1-4
REVIEW the things that you have heard from the Lord up to now.
ALIGN yourself with it anew.
DECLARE what God says to you.
MEDITATE on it more and SEE yourself being transformed and empowered with and in the Presence of the Lord.
ENVISION yourself in the manifestation of His promises and Prophetic Words over your life.
TAKE NOTE of what has changed in you and what you still have to yield to.
BE DILIGENT to declare your new stand daily, making your own declarations accordingly.
SHAKE OFF anything in your consciousness that comes from the past.
RELEASE it through forgiveness, repentance and the washing of the Blood of Jesus. Refuse to look back at old issues (unless you haven’t worked it through.

* I am shifting into the new that God has for me to fulfill His desires for my life in the fullness of my destiny in Christ.
* My every thought, word and action will bring Him glory
* I am filled with joy in His Presence, thanking Him and praising Him all the time.


Praise the Lord for giving you a fresh hunger and thirst for more of Him! Ask Him now for a fresh empowering by the Spirit to carry on with fasting and the prayer incentives for transforming us and equipping us with a fresh anointing.

If you have broken your fast, you can start again with one day at a time, anointing yourself afresh for it. And remember, the fact that you are fasting is not to be advertised. Keep it to yourself as much as possible and just say to others that you will just have something to drink.



Read James 3:17

Word from Cindy Jacobs

This is a prophetic word by Cindy Jacobs that was recorded on October 14, 2015 about God providing abundant wisdom.
For the Lord would say, “You have asked for wisdom, and you need wisdom. I am going to provide for you a well of wisdom.”
As I was personally praying about this, I began to have a vision after the Lord began to speak to me about the wisdom He wanted to provide. And I saw an artesian well, a bubbling up well.
The Lord says, “I have continual wisdom for you. I don’t give you wisdom in portions. There is a well of My wisdom that is abundant, that is going to flow for you. And this wisdom is provided for you every day, every hour, every minute. And so as you learn to walk with Me, walk and talk with Me, as I’ve created you, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, I’m going to give you that which you lack. For your lack of wisdom causes you to fear. Your lack of wisdom causes you to be anxious and uncertain.” But the Lord says, “I am your ever present well of wisdom. So fear not.”
The Lord would say, “I have been speaking this to you, but know you’re going to grow in who you are in Me. You’re going to grow in your ability to tap into this well of wisdom that I am giving you. Because I am wisdom,” says the Lord. “I am wisdom. I am the spirit of wisdom,” says the Lord.
And the Lord says, “The spirit of wisdom is embodied in my Holy Spirit in you. So as you begin to pray and you begin to pray in the spirit and you begin to seek My face, as you incline your ear unto me, as you say, ‘Lord, I know I’m lacking, I know I don’t know what to do,’ I would say to you, I will show you the way, and you will hear My wisdom. It will be so supernatural, and it will be so full of revelation that from one minute to the next, what you didn’t have you’re going to have. You’re going to know what to do with your family, you’re going to know what to do with your finances, you’re going to know where to find that job, you’re going to know what house to buy, you’re going to know how to pay your bills,” says the Lord, “Because I’m going to give an abundance. It is there. It is flowing. It is artesian. And it is there to meet your every need,” says the Lord.

Receive this Word in your Spirit and declare it as you read it again, absorbing it in your spirit.

Worship the Lord until His Presence comes and receive His wisdom for your life situations.
Read: Proverbs 2-5
Meditate on it while you pray in tongues.
During the day, in every situation, draw on the wisdom of God and wait for His instruction, declaring that you have a clear Word for every situation.
Worship the Lord as our Wisdom. (1 Cor.1:30)
Study the attributes of divine wisdom: James 3:17


This is probably the most important part of our 21 day consecration to the Lord and we are going to spend three days on it.

READ Ps 24 and take note of the conditions for coming into the Presence of the Lord.
READ Matt.5:8

“Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself.” Matt.22:37

If you have had an insecure relationship with your earthly father, chances are that you have never been able to fully feel secure in the love of our heavenly Father.


Open up your heart to the Lord to go into the deep places of rejection that you experienced with your earthly father.
* As negative scenes come before you, memories of hurt, abuse or abandonment, see Jesus standing there and let His love and forgiveness flood your heart, receiving His healing.
* Now look at your earthly father, forgiving him for not realizing what he did to you, he himself having had issues. Release him into the hands of the Lord and choose to bless him.
* Ask the Lord to forgive him and look to see some wonderful quality in him. Release him into the hands of the Lord and choose to bless him. If you think of him again, remember him with some fond memories.
* Ask the Lord to recalibrate your memories, giving you a song of celebration that you have a heavenly Father who will never leave you or forsake you and who has proven His love to you in that He gave Jesus as your ransom. Meditate on this and receive His love into every area of hurt and rejection.(Rom.5:5,8)
* Worship the Father now because you have full access to the throne of grace through the shed blood of Jesus.(Heb.4:14-16) Drink into the love of the Spirit, soak in it and it will drive out all fear and insecurity. (1 John 4:18-19)
* Jubilate in His love for you, receiving all His promises in Christ Jesus.

During the day: Express your deep love to the Father, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit and thank Him for His love to you.

If there is any person in the Trinity that you are not closely integrated with, ask the Father in the name of Jesus to bring you into the knowledge of Him.

During the day: Read 1 John 3-4 through prayerfully. Meditate on the Scriptures that speak to your heart, praying it through, absorbing it into your spirit and declaring it.
Love for God is proven by our obedience to do what He requires.


This is called the royal law (James 2:8).

LISTEN to the audio on this link:

In the process of these 21 days, we have to shift into unfeigned brotherly love, choosing to love one another with a pure heart fervently. We can only do that by yielding to the Holy Spirit. (1 Pet.1:22)
* Ask the Lord to shine His light on every relationship in your life (past and present) that is not in love, grace and peace.
Make a list of names and faces that pop up. (There might be some that you have blocked off, but those are the ones that you need to face and deliberately purify your heart to the place of peace and love).


* If there is someone you find hard to forgive, or someone that can move you out of peace and grace, Ask the Lord to show you the root of it and ask the Holy Spirit, your Helper, to lead you through it.
* Choose to die to another person’s sin, as well as to the sin of your own reaction: Rom.6:11 (If you are dead, you cannot react). Then choose to bless that person and find something good in him or her to focus on.
* If you still find it hard to love,

READ: Heb 12:4
“Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.”

Sin (anger, temper etc) has to DIE , SHEDDING THE BLOOD OF THE SELF LIFE – Rom 6:11

RECKON WITH ALL SIN – DIE!!! let your heart be circumcised.

That brings the victory to pass over the Jordan out of the flesh into the LIFE OF THE SPIRIT .

If you have any bad memories about someone (even though you may have forgiven him/her and especially if you want to block that person out of your mind, you will pick this up by what what you are thinking and from what is coming out of your mouth. (Matt.12:35)
* Love does not keep record of evil. Break with that bondage now!
* Confirm your forgiveness toward the person(s).
* Ask the Lord to wash out those negative memories with His precious blood (together with all hurt and pain) and to recalibrate the sound of your memories by purposefully remembering something good about that person – something you can celebrate and praise God for.
* Purposefully rejoice in those good memories and refuse to remember the negative again.
* Bless that person with God’s grace and love.
* If the person has passed away, only remember the good and bless the Lord for having set you free.

READ and APPLY: 2 Cor.10:4-6

* If you discover any negative thought or attitude when thinking about someone or encountering someone (regarding their behavior, dress code, manners, habits, appearance, etc.) switch your mind to look at the person’s good qualities, honoring the person purposefully, speaking a blessing over him/her, taking every thought captive in obedience to Christ.
* Refuse to judge, accuse, find fault, criticize or have a negative opinion.

This is a discipline to realign our minds with the mind of Christ, only seeing the potential of the person according to the Spirit, looking at them with His eyes of love, mercy and kindness, only bringing forth words of affirmation, love and blessing out of a pure heart.

* Check your attitude towards people whom you come across, like waiters, people behind cash registers, street people, etc. Do you honor them and respect them? Is your soul going out to their hopelessness or are you judging them in your heart? Are you readily tuned to hear whether God has a Word for them? Are you judgmental and critical or are you encouraging, finding excuses for people’s behavior which may seem odd to you?
* Is there any hardness in your heart towards anyone? That sprouts from a root of bitterness and needs to be rooted out.
* Listen to your tone of voice, check the attitude of your heart and keep it in alignment with love, mercy and kindness.
* Repent and ask the Lord to make you a conduit of His love and grace.

Now test your own fruit, asking the Holy Spirit to transform you into the likeness of Jesus, our Lord.

In dealing with People my question should thus be:

1. What is the person’s need? What is God showing me and saying about him/her?
2. How can I help, encourage and bless him/her?
3. What would I have wanted another to do for me? Do unto others as you want them to do to you (Matt.7:12). With love, patience, grace and tenderhearted mercies in humility.
4. Be MINDFUL TO BE A BLESSING! What I sow I will reap! Sow Love, mercy, grace, joy and light READ: Gal.7-10
5. “Do good, love mercy, walk humbly before God & men”
6. Let my attitude, thoughts (which have power), words, actions bring grace, leaving a person uplifted and inspired to pursue God more fervently.


Worship the Lord for His great love for you, asking Him to saturate you with His love for everyone you come across.

When you notice that someone has an ought towards you or has withdrawn from you, go out of your way to love on that person and ask him/her to forgive you if you have offended them in any way.

Make restitution and pursue peace with all people.(Heb.12:14)

READ: 1 Pet.1:22

DECLARE: My relationships are coming into divine order and alignment with the royal law of love: James 2:8

Be adamant to have your relationships in complete peace, grace, light and above all fervent love. We can choose in which light we want to live:
In the outer court is natural light
In the Holy place is the illumination of the lamp stand
In the Holies of holies is the glory light, the shekinah.

READ: 1 John 1:5-10

The house of God will be “weighed” by the degree of love we walk in and the bride of Christ is clothed in love and light, the Christ Himself!

Is there any person in your life who can move you out of the glory into fleshly reactions? Seek the cause within yourself and do not let up until you have died to yourself, purified your heart to unfeigned brotherly love, loving that person fervently in spite of his/her shortcomings or actions which have annoyed you.

“In lowliness of mind, let each esteem other better than themselves” Phil 2:5

2 Cor. 5:16 King James 2000 Bible
“Therefore from now on know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet from now on know we him no more.”

“I have done with carnal, superficial, earthly, external judgments according to the appearance, and not according to the heart.”
(Pulpit Commentary)

STUDY and MEDITATE: Colossians 3:12-17

12 “Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;

13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

14 And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.

15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.”
At the end of each day, let the Holy Spirit walk you through the day and show you any attitude, word, thought or deed that has grieved Him. Repent and ask for a baptism in love.

A personal note: When I came to this point, my resolve was weakening as to whether I should continue with the fast, but the Lord graciously strengthened me in my resolve as I was considering what I could lose. I have personally received a number of awesome shifts by the Spirit so far and want to encourage you to press in until the end. There is going to be a major breakthrough going into November.

DAY 14:

This is a day to RECAP and CELEBRATE what God has done in you so far, getting ESTABLISHED and SETTLED in this new place in the GLORY.

You are being perfected and strengthened by the Holy Spirit to press in for more of the Lord.

READ and MEDITATE on: 1 Peter 5:10 (KJV)

“But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.”

Make your own list of “shifts” and “breakthroughs” and DECLARE your new position in CHRIST as you are being TRANSFORMED into His image, walking in His CHARACTER and His GLORY:

Spend much time in worship, celebrating his transforming work in you, determining that you will maintain you place of freedom in the Spirit, not going back to the past again.

DECLARE the VICTORY of His Life in you and SEE yourself seated together with Christ in heavenly places, hidden in Him, but at the same time being made a king and priest unto your God.

REVIEW your PROPHETIC WORDS and DREAMS and what you hope for in your heart.
Take stock to see in what area you have been stuck before (Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially) and take particular steps and take courage to move forward to see your dreams fulfilled in order to fulfill your destiny.

Keep asking the Lord for the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, as well as keys to break through.

DREAM BIG about what He has promised you, seeing the end-result of your faith in every situation, JUBILATING in God’s Almighty power to bring it forth for His glory.

Now POSITION yourself for more of His glory in the next week, reviewing your goals again and declaring it.


Because we have received the Christ, the Holy One resides within us, we have been anointed by God and we have been sealed and have been given the pledge of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Hallelujah!

MEDITATE on (2 Cor.1:20-22) and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten the eyes of your understanding to grasp it fully as you are being renewed in the spirit of your mind.

Spiritual dreams and visions will keep on increasing as you get your senses purified and extended into the heavenlies.

A while ago I had a dream of someone I know who was standing in an elevated place with a glass container next to him, which was full of oil, but thick like ointment. The instruction in my dream was to be smeared in the anointing, (which will also bring healing in deep parts of the soul).

I woke up, praying in tongues, asking the Lord to bring us into deeper places in the Spirit to be smeared with the oil of His Presence, saturating us with Him and I remembered the song, “YOUR NAME IS LIKE OINTMENT POURED FORTH”. Sing the song if you know it, worshiping the Lord for His Name above all names. It invokes His Presence.

The anointing increases through fasting, praying in tongues, worship into ascension and absorbing the Word in your spirit man while meditating on it.

Immediately I applied the dream to myself by thanking the Lord for THE DOUBLE PORTION of the anointing and of the tangible presence of the Lord, empowering me in the Spirit to do greater exploits as I rely on the dunamis power within me. I want to see greater miracles, Lord – in Jesus’ Name and for Your glory to cause people to believe and to know Your love!

The anointing is that special empowering of the Holy Spirit to operate with power to accomplish a specific task, manifesting the glory of God, whether it be to evangelize, to do miracles, to teach or preach, to do creative artwork or any other assignment.

New anointings are being released by the Lord ….. Read the Prophetic Word on the home page www.elsabebriers.com

Read this Prophetic Word from Lana Vawser:

Ask the Lord for His fire on your dreams.



Ligth and love sum up all the fruit of the Spirit and constitute the white raiment of the Bride.

Read: Ps.36:9/ Eph.1:17/ Ps 18:28/
Clear your mind of all consciousness of things in the natural and FOCUS on the Lord. Let no situation or issue block your view. Release all your concerns to the Lord in full trust that He will take care of it.

Look into the Light of His glory as in a mirror, asking the Holy Spirit to keep bringing transformation in you in the light of His glory and to give you clarity on your life, purpose and destiny.

*Father, I ask in Jesus’ Name: Enlighten my heart’s eyes to know the Christ. Let me see Your face. Ponder on this for a while and look to SEE. Worship Him in the beauty of His holiness.
*Lord, let me see myself in Your Light, taking off the blinders and open up the blind spots so that I can have clarity. (Work through what He shows you with repentance and applying of the Blood of Jesus – also forgiving yourself).
* Test yourself for the fruit of the Spirit (Gal.5:22)
* Now align yourself with who you are IN CHRIST.
* Let me see people and things through Your eyes of love
* Father, I also ask for clarity of vision for my future and the things you have anointed me to do
* Father, in Jesus’ Name I ask for increase in spiritual vision – that I can see into greater dimensions in the glory to increase in the knowledge of who You are and what You are doing.
Thank you, Lord!
* Father, let me become transparent in the glory, without any shadow, without any spot or wrinkle so that only You can be seen and heard, in Jesus’ Name!

READ AND PRAY: Num.6:25/ Ps.31:16/Ps.27:1

* DECLARE that you walk in the light of His countenance and that your eyes are always upon Him. SEE yourself clothed in light and love.
* Declare that you receive His light, truth and direction for every situation in the spirit and in the natural.
*Bask in the light of His countenance and let His love fill you so that you can overflow to others.
* Meditate on it that God is love and as I am transformed into His image, I am becoming a conduit of His love. Without LOVE I am nothing.

Read 1 Cor.13, testing yourself on the fruit of love.


PRAYING IN TONGUES, ASKING the Father for LIGHT through the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation: Keep a recorder handy.
1) As you pray, listen for His thoughts. Speak it into the recorder.
2) Pray for your family and those who need prayer in the same manner
You might also receive a vision – speak it into the recorder and ask
* Listen to the recording afterwards, meditate on it
* Write down what He shares with you and put action to it.
* DECLARE what God says
* ARISE AND SHINE for the glory of the Lord is risen upon you!


Read the Prophetic Word, “Heavenly Perspective and the Warrior Bride” on www.elsabebriers.com

*Ask the Lord to give you divine perspective on your life as you set your mind on things above and not on the earth.
Read (Col.3:1-3) and memorize.

WORSHIP until you sense the Presence of the Lord.
EXPECT to have communion with Him.
RECORD what He conveys to your heart.

*See yourself looking at your life’s components from “above” while praying in tongues and wait on Him to give you the Spirit of Wisdom and insight and Understanding into things that need to change until you get His directive – either in an impression, a Scripture that comes to mind or a Rhema of the Lord.

1. Deal with bad habits like slothfulness, procrastination, striving in the flesh and pushing yourself to perform instead of handing over to the Lord’s guidance and empowering.
2. Get your vision refreshed.
3. Set reasonable goals according to the leading of the Spirit, asking the Lord the give you the anointing and the grace to fulfill it.
4. Wield the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) over the things that have to change and jubilate in Him bringing His Word to pass.
* that you have heavenly perspective from being seated with Christ in heavenly places (Eph.2:6).
* that you have clarity of insight and understanding.
* that you are set to fulfill His blueprint for your life by His empowerment through the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding.
* DECLARE that there is now ORDER and ALIGNMENT in your life.
* RENEW your VISION, RE-PRIORITIZE your GOALS and get into ACTION in small steps.


Our IDENTITY, as born-again, Spirit-filled believers is totally contrary to the way the world sees it. We are not defined by our titles or what we do for a living or what our gifts and anointings are.

Our IDENTITY is IN CHRIST JESUS, where the emphasis is on Him and not on us. When we became born again, there was an exchange of lives: We gave our lives to Jesus and asked Him to come into ours.
Everything we think, say and do must be IN CHRIST.

Acts 17:28: “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.”

DECLARE: Galatians 2:20 King James Version (KJV)

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

There is a call on our lives unto God’s glory to have fellowship with Jesus Christ, our Lord. (1 Cor.1:9). Our aim should mainly be to be changed and transformed into the image of Christ (2 Cor.3:18), to be a love letter to the world in demonstration of the Spirit and of His power with the Word made manifest, so that the world can see that we have been with Jesus, being a glory conduit.

Stephan was described as “full of power and of the Holy Spirit”. Isn’t that better than a title? People do not need to be told who we are and what we have accomplished. They only have to see us shining with the glory of the Lord as He is glorified in us and through us, in manifestation and demonstration of His power.

How about becoming fishers of men and conduits of His glory with no name and no reputation?

As we lose ourselves on the cross, our name doesn’t matter anymore or where we’ve been or what we’ve accomplished. It only matters that we be transformed into the image of Christ while having intimate fellowship with Him, growing daily in wisdom and into a greater measure of the stature of Christ Jesus so that only He be heard and seen and glorified, being love conduits.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit to expose the “I” where it still manifests in our lives in quest of acknowledgement and approval of man. Ask the Lord to give you His perspective from above to see yourself. Never have mercy on the self. Acknowledge it, reckon with it in repentance and reckon your “self” crucified with Christ. “I” has to die if we truly want the Lord to have all the glory.

Rom.11:36: King James Bible
“For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever.” Amen.

* MEDITATE on Gal.2:20
* WORSHIP the Lord as the Almighty, who reigns and SUBJECT yourself totally to His Lordship in every facet of your life, praying the Lord’s prayer (Matt.6)
* REPENT if you are seeking any glory for yourself, casting off the cloak of “self”.
* PRAY for open eyes of your understanding to “see” where you are selfish and choose to let the cross do a work in you.

PRAYER: Father of glory, I give You full control and subject myself completely to You, declaring my total dependence on You. I submit every decision I have to make, (even what I have to say) to You for Your guidance, acknowledging You in all my ways (not trusting in my own understanding). (Prov.3:5-7) Lead me and guide me, Lord in Your way and according to Your will. Holy Spirit possess me and Jesus, shine through me so that You alone be glorified. Hallelujah!

Walk in the light of God’s Presence (face to face) – {where every Word is in His Presence, bathed in grace (as of God in the sight of God in Christ)}
2 Cor.2:17

READ: 1 Cor.1:12/Eph.4:20/Ps.50:23/Phil.3:20/1 Tim.4:12/Heb.13:5/James 3:13/
2 Pet.3:11


* Do not bring up controversial topics
* Do not engage in idle talk (Matt.12:36)
* Do not relate negative experiences
* Do not talk negative about anything or anybody.
* Speak life and blessing ONLY – listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying in your spirit.
* EXALT and GLORIFY the Lord in all conversations.

Remember, “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”. (Prov.23:7)

I was reminded of Mal. 3:16-18 that a book of remembrance be written before the Lord for them that feared Him and thought upon His name as they spoke about Him.

When in conversation with someone, let us stay connected to the Lord’s heart and the leading of the Holy Spirit, to only talk about the things He wants us to talk about. (Only speak what I hear my Father is saying – John 12:49)

Listen to this audio and pray into it:(copy and paste the link into your browser)

PRAYER: Ps. 141:3

If you feel faint at this point, feeling that you cannot go on with the fast, have some thinned soup with a slice of bread. If you have not fasted up to know, or did a partial fast, maybe you could do a 3day full fast for the last stretch. The main thing is to press through to the end to enjoy the full breakthrough that God has for you. Sometimes it comes on the last day, sometimes during the following week, but you will definitely notice a change of some kind. Expect to shift into a deeper place in fellowship with the Lord.


READ: Rev.4:1-11 (note verse 5).
WORSHIP the Lord in the light of His glory.

DECLARE: The 7-fold light of our identity is coming forth now.

PRAY: Sevenfold Spirit we ask that You come and flood us with Your Presence. We want You to manifest all who You are in us and through us.
Holy Spirit we release You as the Spirit of the Lord, so that the character and the power of the Spirit be lifted up in Your holy vessels. Let the Breaker anointing of Is.61 (And Luke 4:18) come manifest in us and through us.

Read Is. 61 and Luke 4:18

THANK the Lord for His anointing that He has given us.
(2 Cor.2:20-22)/1 John 2:20, 27).

PRAYER: Father, we praise You that You give us the Spirit of Wisdom in a new way that new creative skills spring up out of Your empowering for your glory. We praise You for the Spirit of Understanding, teaching us to understand the ways of God, the will of God and the strategies of the enemy.

DECLARE: My understanding is shifting so that I will understand who You are in me and who I am in You, so that I can walk out my identity in You.
PRAY-READ: Col.1:9-14. Make it personal and receive it all by faith.

* MEDITATE on the Spirit of the Lord and the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding right through the day while praying in tongues.
* Note the shifts that come in your understanding.
* See your identity in who He is in you and how His 7-fold Spirit wants to operate through you.



WORSHIP the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Worship His holy name for Himself and who He is – until you experience His Presence.
PRAYER: Lord, we release You as the Spirit of counsel to guide and direct us in every detail of our lives as we seek Your face.

DECLARE: I will no longer lean on my own understanding, but acknowledge the Lord in all my ways (receiving His counsel for everything) and He will direct my path. (Prov.3:5)

PRAYER: LORD, we release You as the Spirit of might to energize our gifts to minister in the demonstration of power to do miracles for Your glory!
DECLARE: I will be effective in ministry only by leaning on You, tapping into Your power supply in the Spirit and I declare my utmost dependence on You, giving You all the glory for what You are about to do through me. I thank You Father for Your provision, according to the riches of Your glory in Christ.


We release You, Holy Spirit as the Spirit of intimate knowledge to bring us into closer places of loving communion with the Lord.

WORSHIP the Lord now with the expectation to receive divine revelation of His personhood by the Spirit of Knowledge.

PRAY: Lord, we want to know You. Father of glory, open the eyes of our understanding through the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ. Father, we ask that You fill us to overflowing with the oil of intimate knowledge of the Lord while we worship in the secret place of Your presence.

We release the Spirit of the fear of the Lord to work in us a holy awe and reverence of God, where we will tremble at Your Word, overcome by Your awesome power, might, dominion and glorious Rulership as King of kings and Lord of lords.

WORSHIP the Lord, bow before Him and acknowledge Him as Sovereign God, supreme Ruler of the universe in all His splendor and majesty.

Having been blessed with all the spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus, knowing your true identity in Him, knowing that you are seated together with Christ in heavenly places (Eph.2:6, you can now rise up with a new authority in His Name and by the power of His shed blood.

DECLARE: Our true identity is coming forth in the light of the 7 fold Spirit as sons of the Father, co-heirs with Jesus Christ and bride of the soon coming Bridegroom. Our light will shine ever brighter because of our consciousness of who You are in us, Christ, the hope of glory!

PRAYER: Father, let Your name be glorified in us, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done in each of us just as it is in heaven so that we can fulfill our destiny in Christ for Your glory.

DAY 21: MEDITATE ON ALL THAT GOD HAS DONE in you during these 21 days and PRAISE His mighty name for His awesome power that is at work in you.

Read through Psalms 111-113, taking note of all the benefits to those who serve the lord wholeheartedly.

Make a list of all the shifts you have experienced during this time and the breakthrough into new dimensions of the Spirit.

DECLARE your breakthrough points into the airways and your total dependence on the Holy Spirit to help you to MAINTAIN your stand in the spirit.


This is of utmost importance how you do this.

If you have done a full fast, start drinking fruit juices and the second day only start with very small portions of cooked vegetables and soft fruit like papaya or mango. Start eating small portions of fish or chicken on the 3rd day and gradually get back to a normal diet. Keep drinking lots of water.

Remember that you spirit is now very sensitive and do not expose yourself to worldly influences. Guard your senses and come back to worship the moment you feel any sense of disturbance in your spirit or emotions. Keep up your communication with the Lord throughout the day and do not be pulled back into the noise of the mundane.

Keep up your intimate fellowship with the Lord on a daily basis, affirming your breakthroughs with diligent declarations until the growth you have experienced during this time becomes established in you.

May God bless you exceedingly and abundantly and may you step into your new season with confidence of who you are in Christ, keeping your focus on Him, listening for His voice and obeying His Word and instructions to you.

A request: I would love to hear from anyone who has finished the 21 day consecration to celebrate your breakthroughs and shifts with you.

Overflowing blessings to each of you and your households.

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