

(Photo Unsplash)

I received this Word in 2011 and I feel that it is very applicable now, especially since there is much emphasis on prophetic intercession in this season. As we listen for the new heavenly sound (that God is saying “now” over the situations we pray for), we can release it as prophetic declarations in the glory and it will manifest swiftly.


I had a very powerful dream:

A new powerful sound was coming forth, seemingly from a recording. Nobody knew where it came from, but it was like the sound of many waters. It seemed familiar as though I knew it from a previous revival, but at the same time it seemed unknown. I knew it was coming from heaven and then it was as though I was enveloped in a river of this sound. I was totally overwhelmed by it and drenched in the power of this sound.

In the next scene in the dream I was in a meeting of a local church, still carrying the impact of the sound that I just experienced. A video was playing (of a previous meeting) and words were on the screen against a background of blue and green streamers, being waved around in worship – and another new sound was coming forth – never heard before!

I could make out a sentence of the song on the screen about unity. The people were abandoned to the Lord in extravagant worship.

At the same time a new video was being recorded by an unknown video-and-sound- technician (who was very knowledgeable and whom I have never seen before), while the head intercessor (whom I know) was dancing under the anointing against the background of the video. The intercessor looked much younger than in reality and the whole church was taken up in worshipping the Lord through the dance-intercession. It seemed that her youth has been renewed and also her physical and spiritual energy.

I realized that for those who are in one accord in prayer, waiting upon the Lord, worshiping together, a new sound will be released from heaven through the Holy Spirit, igniting the church with a fresh fire, exploding in song and dance. New media technicians will emerge, recording these glory explosions, taking it to the nations and the fire of the Holy Ghost will spread around the globe.

God is awakening His Bride to the power of corporate Worship-Intercession where a river of revelation is released every time when we rise above our present situations, releasing it all to the Lord in agreement with Him as our Intercessor who lives to intercede for us. This is Philippians 4:6-7 in action:
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

The Word shows us the pattern: first by prayer and supplication we bring our requests to God, releasing it to Him in faith and trust, which is expressed in thankful praise that takes us up in the glory of His Presence. Then the river of peace starts to flow and in it we are transformed from one degree of glory to the next. Here, in the corporate anointing, in one accord, we get saturated in His Presence and empowered by the sound of His voice in fresh revelation upon revelation to rise up and flow in our different gifts and anointings to do the works of the ministry.

Revelation is progressive as we position ourselves in worship-intercession to receive the fresh sound from heaven, getting drenched in it and allowing the flow of the river to bring us in a new place in Christ.

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