God’s awesomeness on display with much joy!
God’s awesomeness on display with much Joy!
This is a time to gear up, with all spiritual antennas extended, stepping up on the belt of acceleration (read the Word “Step up into Acceleration” on this link):
“I have much to impart to you and through you in this time. It is a time of being strengthened and empowered with fullness of joy in My presence, says the Lord as I am calling worshiping warrior-watchmen on the wall to see, hear and execute My bidding by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
September will be a month of an outpouring of long-awaited blessings and breakthroughs, even in “suddenlies” as the Year of Jubilee is coming to its culmination – especially for those who are pressing in by faith to recover all that the enemy has stolen.
If you haven’t seen any Jubilee-payback yet, or maybe only in some areas, don’t despair. I sense this is the time to activate our faith. It is not to only hope for the best, but to actively put our trust in God, believing and pursuing the Jubilee promise to the end and declare “BREAKTHROUGH, RESTORATION and FULL RECOMPENSE!” in every area where we have suffered loss. I sense there will even be taking of the spoil in the form of an overflow, just as David recovered all that the enemy had stolen and gathered the spoil.
“And my sons and daughters will leap with joy, exploding in prophetic utterance with song and dance as they testify of My glorious majesty!
After the start of the new Hebraic year and into 2017 much more shaking will come worldwide, but My people who have been empowered through worship in My Presence will be strong and unafraid, “on-the-ready” as we go “hand-in-Hand”, displaying My glory and awesomeness in the midst of darkness!”
Are you ready to believe for outrageous miracles? Available without hesitancy for the Lord to use YOU to display HIS glory through you? Then step in to all He has prepared for us in this glorious hour, being an extravagant worshiper, simply following the lead of the Holy Ghost!