GOD SEEKS WORSHIPPERS!It is amazing how easily we can miss the essentials. The essential desire of God is to have WORSHIPERS, who will WORSHIP HIM in spirit and in truth – not as a ritual, but in the intimacy of love for Him.
“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24
We are in a time where God wants to communicate with us through the SOUND of worship. Our ears need to be trained to listen for the sound that the Spirit releases while we worship so that we will know exactly what God’s heart is for us in that time frame and for those around us. Sound can be interpreted prophetically if we lean into the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation with an inclined ear. When you receive the impartation of that “now”-sound in your spirit, it brings ENLARGEMENT and EXPANSION, HEALING, DELIVERANCE, VISION and EMPOWERMENT. New places in the spirit realm are broken into because His Grace and Love tear the veils of the law over our hearts.
Worshiper, be totally yielded to the Holy Spirit to do what He wants in you and then receive the impartation of His deposits to release it in turn to others who need it.
God brought the people out of Egypt into the desert to worship Him. The desert is actually the place of our opportunity to sing a new song of faith to Him. All of heaven opens up over our circumstances when we simply put our trust in God and worship Him for his mercy and loving-kindness (like Jehoshaphat in II Chron.20). The keys are total trust and dependence on Him alone. When He finds that loyalty of worshiping hearts, unified in one accord, He actively works on our behalf (the battle being the Lord’s) and we will walk away with the spoils.
Is. 64:4-6 holds three important keys for breakthrough while you WAIT on Him: Will you rejoice? Will you stay in righteousness? Will you remind yourself of His goodness and grace, remembering Him in His ways?
“For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for Him. Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness, those that remember thee in thy ways.” – Is.64: 4-6
Be encouraged to know that God will never leave us or forsake us, but He is watching our hearts to see whether we will keep worshiping Him in full faith, or murmur, complain, finding our solace in a golden calf of idolatry while the promise is tarrying.
The sooner we learn to SING songs of adoration to Him in all circumstances, pursuing intimate encounters with Him, the sooner we will see the victory. Then, coming out of the desert places, we will lean on our Beloved, fully trusting in His faithfulness and the security of His love.
New Wineskin of Love to contain the New Wine
There are depths in the river of God yet to be discovered. It is a river of Love and as we get soaked and saturated in His Love, fresh anointing comes in worship! Here our wineskins are exchanged for wineskins of love and mercy – in order to not only contain the new wine impartation of the Holy Spirit, but in order to expand and be stretched to accommodate increase so that we can pour it out.
Rooted and grounded in His Love
Many are making demands on others for love and experience rejection when they do not receive what they expect, all because they have not discovered the wonders of God’s all-encompassing love and their roots have nothing to draw their sustenance from. The more time we spend in the chambers of His Love, the more we will experience the security of His Love.
“I am my beloved’s and His desire is for me.” -Song of Solomon 7:10
TAPPING INTO THE LOVE-HEART OF GOD through deep worship, we are about to discover WONDERS of His Love untold and never experienced before.
Recently, during worship I suddenly experienced the Father’s arms of love around me as the Holy Spirit was drawing me to come deeper in worship than ever before. While the saxophone was playing I could hear in the spirit that the depth of the water was being “sounded” with the lead line of the Truth. The Holy Spirit was encouraging me to go deeper and deeper in the river of His Presence with the “knowing” that the Father’s everlasting arms were under me and His love was “escorting” me into deeper discoveries of revelation of Himself. The more you abandon yourself to the currents of the glory river of the Holy Spirit, He will take you where you haven’t gone before to be deeply intertwined with Him in union-communion, your roots going deeper and deeper into His woundrous Love, while your spirit can soar higher and higher with Him in the heavenlies.
It is a place where the veils and masks of self-preservation, hypocrisy, legalism, pretense, pride, distrust, suspicion, false humility, etc. are coming off through exposure to the Light and we can look into His glory with unveiled faces – being transformed from one degree of glory to the next – becoming transparent in the glory, filled with His Light – to shine it into the world.
In the silent knowing that “He is God” (Ps.46: 10), a song starts reverberating on the inside in our spirit man. It is the song of Love and adoration, which is most precious to our Lord. It is silent to the human ear, but heard in the heavenlies, joining the choirs of the heavenly beings in total exaltation of our Beloved. This becomes a burning flame of love on the inside, feasting on the oil of His Presence with an exceeding joy, full of glory!
“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” -Eph. 5:19
Elsabe |
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While soaking in awesome WORSHIP at an END-TIME HANDMAIDENS & SERVANTS Mini-Convention in Jacksonville, Florida, I realized that the Holy Spirit is ready to release particular IMPARTATIONS to us for this hour that we need to absorb in our spirit in order to be equipped for our individual Kingdom assignments.As we become quiet before the Lord in Worship, prayerfully meditating on the “sound” that He is “sounding” into the depths of our being, it will ENLIGHTEN our heart’s eyes to SEE with clarity what He is doing and saying.This enlightenment will bring transformation into more of the glory of His image and empower us to bring His glory everywhere we go to establish His Kingdom.
We need to be FULLY ALERT, not only to FULLY RECEIVE, but to FULLY MAINTAIN that which He is imparting into our spirit man as LIVING SUBSTANCE to draw from and in turn impart to others
Since November 2011 we have transitioned into a time of DIVINE RESTORATION.
Prayers that have been going up for souls over many years, are being answered and people’s lives are being brought into alignment with God’s Kingdom purposes.
Stay diligent in releasing this Divine Decree Prophetically over every facet of your lives, families, relationships, ministries, health, finances.
Like David, we will recover all that the enemy has stolen if we do not let up or become slack.
“Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.” Is.35:3/Heb.12:12
Let us encourage each other and also be strengthened by this Word of the Lord to pray and release His divine decree UNTIL we see the manifestation thereof.
I had a dream and saw a bread in the oven

Then these words came clearly:
Selah! Pause, lift up and Praise His glorious Name! |