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Spirit Strength

The Word of the Lord came to me in a powerful encounter on Friday, June 15th, 2012 while having lunch with a co-minister. This encounter lasted for over an hour and the Spirit ministered powerfully to us with accompanying visions and personal Words.
This is the part that I feel led to share with the body of Christ:

“I am empowering you for the times ahead while you are simply acknowledging MY PRESENCE, leaning into the spirit.  Stay in the flow of the River. Everything you need is in the flow of the River of the Spirit.  Many will now be coming out of hiddenness, carrying the (strengthening) of the secret place into the street (market place, every day surroundings) resulting in unusual miracles.”

  “That he would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened (kratos) with might (dunamis) by His Spirit in the inner man.” (Eph. 3:16)

In this encounter there was both an empowering from within, followed by an empowering upon;  then it went on simultaneously for quite some time, coming and going like waves washing over us both. This strengthening (“kratos” – dominion, strength and manifested power in a reigning authority) brings “dunamis” (power over demons and to heal).

The word “dunamis” is used for both these experiences (within and upon) in the Scriptures.

Walking in the strength of the holy spirit, is where we walk as overcomers and not as victims.

We are in need of this inner STRENGTHENING of the Holy Spirit (in the heart and the soul) to be empowered with His might to minister His love and miracle power in our daily, every day situations for Kingdom purposes, with signs and wonders following.

This strengthening (“kratos”) with might (“dunamis”) is also a fresh anointing of the Spirit to be endued with power from on high by a high degree of grace, providing spiritual abilities to fulfill our assignments, resisting temptations, enduring trials and persecutions and persevere on our assigned course.  The Apostle Paul prays in Ephesians 3:16 that this may be according to the riches of his glory – according to an abundance of grace, mercy, and power, which resides in God, and is His glory. All of this is by the Holy Spirit, who is the One who works grace in the souls of God’s people.  Strength from the Spirit of God in the inner man is the only way in which we will be able to not only stand the test of trials and tribulations that are to come, but to OVERCOME!

Strength in the soul comes by the “knowing of faith” by revelation that Christ lives in our hearts. (v.17)


Being rooted in His love, we grow in the understanding of His all-encompassing, knowledge-surpassing love (v.18-19); then to become ministers of that divine Love that brings life (v.20).  This gives us the strength to serve God, and to obey His Word and to persevere on our Christian course with fervor and with joy.

In this place there is no room for fear, doubt or unbelief!

Then we are also admonished to “be being filled with the Spirit” (Eph.5: 18). The present continuous tense is being used here, implying that it is an ongoing infilling as we drink into the Spirit (I Cor. 12:13b).


The FIRST KEY is to position ourselves by STAYING CONNECTED to the Power Source in childlike simplicity – coming to the Father in total dependence as a little child, trusting Him fully,  living in intimate fellowship with the Lord; then keeping that connection active by constant awareness of His Presence and ongoing communion-union.  This walk is cultivated by discipline.  Take note of the emphasis on “simplicity” and “childlikeness”.

Secondly it is of utmost importance to ACKNOWLEDGE His Presence when He “moves”. There is a difference between His “Abiding Presence” and His “Manifest Presence”.  When we sense His manifest, tangible Presence, we have the choice to YIELD to what the Holy Spirit wants to do or to let it pass (because it might happen in a place which is uncomfortable for our flesh).  The question is, “Whom do I belong to?” and especially “Whom do I want to please?”

THIRDLY we need to stay in the flow of the River of Life by true worship in the spirit, praying in the spirit, meditating on the Word, loving Him, thanking Him, praising Him and worshiping Him constantly.  In this way we will maintain His abiding Presence and grow in fruitfulness.

In a recent dream, I was shown ancient hidden riches awaiting us in the realms of the Spirit.  Let us be stirred up to seek the face of the Lord to behold Him (Ps.27) and to look into His glory in ascended living – high above the turmoil of this world.  Then simply act out what we have seen the Father doing and release His Word as we heard it in His Presence.


Human strength signifies the limitation and curse of self-power and it will never be able to stand the test in the face of trials and tribulations.

“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts”  (Zech.4: 6)

Only when we are empowered by the Spirit of the Lord will we see the supernatural becoming the natural!


The River of the Spirit is never stagnant.  There is always fresh and full provision through the life-giving Spirit as He is always moving and working in us to will and to work according to His good pleasure.

If we do not honor Him by being sensitive to His “moving”, yielding to Him, we will grieve the Holy Spirit and miss glorious encounters of transformation.

In this River-flow is a constant flow of cleansing, washing, deliverance, adjustment, healing, renewing, STRENGTHENING and EMPOWERING, filling us to overflow with the fullness of His joy, which is our strength.

“Teach My people to DRINK from the living water and to HONOR MY PRESENCE – not only for enjoyment,  but to HEAR, SEE and BE TRANSFORMED by My Spirit;  then to carry the fruit of My working in you.

If there is no CHANGE, there is no growth or lasting fruit.

Many will now be coming out of HIDDENNESS

Those who have been saturated in the Spirit through worship, prayer and the Word, will now walk with the OVERSHADOWING Presence into the “street” situations and there will be such a powerful anointing resting on them that it will emanate from them – touching and changing the lives around them, bringing conviction of sin and righteousness on people; demons will manifest and like the “shadow” of Peter, many will be healed sovereignly – simply because of the overshadowing Presence of God’s power resting upon His worshippers.




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