What on earth is the term “Quickening” in the prophetic understanding?
According to Strongs (#2227) is means to “make alive, give life or vitality.”
The Holy Spirit brings something to our understanding and a “quickening” takes place where the Word that God wants to convey to you becomes a “knowing” – like “I know that I know that I know”. It is not something that can be “worked up” or sought, but It is a work of the Spirit that causes your whole being to “come alive” with the knowing that
God “said”. It could be through a Word that you read in the Bible that just suddenly comes alive on the inside of you and “speaks” to you, or it can be by a revelation of the Spirit of a deep spiritual truth. It could be coupled with a vision, which I like to call a “glory-glimpse”, but the one thing that stands out is that in a mysterious way it brings a knowing that it supernaturally “fits” as a personal application in your life.
Now, how you respond to such a “quickening” is very important.
One day, as I was earnestly praying in tongues about a difficult situation in my life, I was meditating on Zech.4:6 and Mark 11:22-24 when a “quickening” of the Spirit made the Word come alive to me. K knew that God gave me the key for victory and I started warring with the revelation that God’s grace removes mountains and within a few hours the news came to me that the mountain was removed.
God wants up to co-operate with His “quickening” in our spirit to bring about His desired end in things that we pray about so that His Kingdom can be established in the earth.
Write it down, declare it, prophesy it into your life and call it forth in great rejoicing!
Recently, I was just about to switch off my bed light to go to sleep when I suddenly had a vision regarding something I have been praying for. There was such a quickening in my spirit through what I saw in the vision that I realized God had already done what I have asked for in the supernatural realm. I jumped out of bed and started declaring what I saw, praising the Lord for His goodness and grace.
Sometimes a prophetic Word can come up in your spirit just like that, perfectly fitting the picture that you have been praying about.
Enjoy these invigorating, life-giving experiences with the Holy Spirit and do not lose the impact of it, but agree with what God is saying in prophetic declaration and you will see the effect in reality.